
PARENTS: Honestly, Do you/did you read your kids' diary?

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  1. Well first off, I don't have a diary I never really owned one, I mean I owned a journal but I usually filled that out with short stories rather than what's going on in my life - I find that so boring.

    But I know my mom would never read some of my personal information, reason is because we have such a good, open communicating system that there's no need to. There would be no point in her reading my "diary" because she already knows all of the stuff that's going on because I talk to her about it.

    That's the problem I think parents and teens have with each other - lack of communication. I'm not sure why, maybe it's because the teens are afraid of their parents judging them and not hearing them out or that they won't have an open mind about what's going on. I honestly think it's sad that some of my friends can't even go talk to their mother when they need tampons! It tells me how little they really communicate.

    If parents would talk more to their teen then there wouldn't be the need to snoop and invade someone's privacy.

    With my mother and I, nothing's a secret she knows all about what I'm doing, my beliefs, my dreams, my hopes, my goals, she knows everything about me because I tell her and I tell her because I know that she's not going to judge me, insult me, or criticize me. Sometimes a person just need's another person to listen so they can let out all their emotions and frustrations.

    So to answer your question, no my mother has never done that because she doesn't have a reason to. Although, she has read my stories in my journal - but that's not snooping I guess it's because I didn't know how to explain my "writing style" so she wanted to see for herself.  

  2. My bff's dad read her diary and got her in a TON of trouble. :(

  3. no. That's dishonest, and they will never trust you. Just talk to them, and make sure you let them know that whatever shinanagins they got into, you will be supportive and not get angry. That's when the secrets come pouring out.

  4. NO No NO.. I think parents that do that are horrible. My sister-in-law used to (and I am sure still does) read her daughters diary and it just drove me crazy.Our children should be able to express their thoughts and dreams with out the fear of their parents reading. To all the parents who do this>>GET A Life!!

  5. i dont cause i respect my child's feelings and i think they're old enough if they have a problem with relationships/anything they can come to me good for u to sticking it to ur mom!

  6. My kids aren't that age yet, but I wouldn't. Kids need some privacy. Unless I found out that they were taking drugs, or having s*x at a young age, and wouldn't admit to me when I ask, then maybe then I would

  7. I snooped in their rooms, ease dropped on conversations, read notes that they passed in school......but I never read their diaries or journals.......not even once.

  8. nope i don't. BUT one of ,my daughters read my stepdaughters and she'd written some nasty stuff about me in it one time after she'd been told off for swearing....I told my girls off for looking in the diary as it's private...

  9. Maybe your mums just worried about you. Have you given her a reason to look in your diary or maybe you just cant talk to her about stuff so she wants to know what your getting up to.  Your mum shouldn't do this anyway. Maybe hide your diary or just dont write one

  10. my mom didn't read my diary because i didn't have one,,, but she read all my notes between me and my friends from school... its just ridiculous!  i definitely wont be doing this to my children!!

  11. My kids aren't old enough to even write yet! My mom never read my diary because we had a wonderful relationship and she trusted me. Have you given her a reason to read it? Put a little note inside of it saying "Mom, stop reading my diary!"

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