
PARENTS: What would you do if your (17 y/o) child started becoming withdrawn...

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and stopped having a relationship with you. Say you used to argue a lot but then your child stopped dealing with you. You live in the same house but they now go to their room all the time, don't speak much, and don't have a good relationship anymore.

Would you think something was going on? Would you care? Or would you be glad?

How do you think a mother would react to this compared to a father?




  1. its a girl not a boy..

    it's normal by the way..!

  2. Get them into therapy.  Thank you and good day.

  3. well im not a prent though if someone is reading this and needs advice:

    it is perfectly normal for a teenager to do this, sometimes its because there are things going on (bf/gf) and sometimes its just because they are exhausted and start to get crabby which then leads to them just keeping out of your way so not to start a discussion or a fight

  4. I believe all teens go through the stage where they push their parents away. It may help to just try to talk to her. Be loving, supportive. Arguing does not help. Plus A teenage girl is going through alot at this point. I would just try to talk to her. Don't pry, just be try taking her out to do something with just you and her. It is important to keep a tight bond with your daughter at this time so you will remain close. Do you think if she had a problem she would tell you? She may not feel comfortable talking to you. (Seems crazy I know, you are her mother!) But teens are growing into their own persons. Try taking her to the mall, go on a girls day, get your nails done, teach her to drive, something you two can do that she might enjoy.

  5. Depending on them, maybe they're going through puberty late. Hormone levels change their attitude and behavior. Or maybe its due to outside influence? School bullying? Hanging with the wrong groups of people?

    Try to talk to him directly - if s/he won't open up, then I wouldn't worry about it too much.

    Or maybe try to see what he is doing in his room (or on the computer) and see how he has changed.

  6. A 17yr old is no child but a young adult man/woman. Just back off do not push, she will choose her own path, relationships etc. It is her life to live, just tell her your available to talk if she is willing.  

  7. First off a 17 year old i do not think is a child, i think most would agree with me.  Why would a young adult want to hang out with his parents.  He could be doing private things with himself trying to figure out his body, who knows, do you smell weird stuff coming from his room????????  Boy are certainly different than girls, my best friends daughter loves to hang up under me she is 16, but my 18 year old son is more of I can do things without my mom, which is natural.  I would not worry to much if I were you, cause it sounds like to me you are just a mom who has to realize her son is growing up, and he doesn't need his mom as much as he use to.  Do worry mom, and good luck

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