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  1. I think it is certain types of cartoons that are bad. ther are plenty of "cartoons" that have no violence or bad  behavior in them. My kids are not allowed to watch brainless cartoons like Ed, Edd, and Eddy, or spongebob. My kids (ages 12, 8, and 2) watch  PBS and shows like arthur, clifford, curious george, etc. My 2 year old learned most of his ABC's from watching SuperWhy? and WordWorld. He currently likes Oswald and Franklin on NOggin. I have parental lock on the cable box so an adult has to "approve" of every show they want to watch and put in a pin number to unlock the show. when the show is over the cable relocks itself.

  2. Its not the cartoons in general, its the amount of time being spent watching TV and also, the content of those cartoons. For example, my 6 year old is allowed to watch Arthur on PBS kids but would not be allowed to watch Nickelodeon. As a matter of fact, I think she is the only one in her class that has never seen Spongebob, the show. So yes, I agree with you that depending on what they are actually watching, and how much of it, it will make them more agressive and want to act out what they see! If they are spending any time at your home, maybe you can make it a rule that there will be no TV while there! Or in the very least, limit the amount and also be very careful with what shows they can watch. PBS kids is always great.

  3. ok. dont take it away it will just tick em off and make them more mad. cartoons dont do anything bad. they keep them occupied so they dont go out to far into the world and do drugs and learn even worse stuff..

    but dont trust me im only 13 >.>

  4. Nope.  My son watches cartoons at least once a day and he's the mildest child ever.  Of course, it depends on the type of cartoons your grandchildren are allowed to watch.  For instance, there are cartoons on Cartoon Network my son is forbidden to watch (Ed, Edd & Eddy, Foster's Home, Camp Lazlo, Adventures of Billy & Mandy since they have poor language and really encourage kids to act dumb and aggressive).  There is absolutely no problem with Disney cartoons and even most Nick cartoons, in my opinion.

  5. Yes.  I have been careful of the cartoons that my kids watch.  Some of them that I would think would cause problems don't, and some that I would think seem to be okay, do.  I just watch how they react and then decide whether they get to watch the show again.  My kids are 12 & 8 and I watch cartoons with them (I enjoy it, really).  I think that pre-school children should be shielded from Nickelodeon for as long as possible.  It teaches some very bad behaviors (I once saw a character whose name was Nipple Man.).  This channel should be reserved for older kids who know better and can be punished for rude behaviors.

  6. No I monitor what my children watch and how long they watch television.

  7. Cartoons & other forms of entertainment are just that - entertainment.  They are not meant to be teaching children anything about life at all.  

    What *is* detrimental to children is having parents who allow them to behave like cartoon characters, who don't teach their children the difference between real life and entertainment.

  8. Detrimental no? Makes the kids excited ? sure. How to curve the problem..Make sure the cartoons are age appropiate. Just because their fav cartoon characters are on lunch boxes doesn't mean that they are age appropiate.

  9. I wouldnt say that cartoons are detrimental if they are in moderation, if all ur kid does is sit there and watch tv, thats not the healthiest thign for him to be doing, but we all remeber watching cartoons when were lil and enjoying them and such, and if it affects the kids behaviour, like makes him more agressive then u want to make sure some way that the kid knows that certain behavoiur that are seen on the tv shouldnt be imitated, and if he really insists on it say again being agressive consider curving that towards somethign a lil more postive and with discipline, like taking karate classes.  Also just take note of wat they watch, and find ways to show em theres other things they could be doing, usualy the best way to get them to do new activites is somethign that contains a social aspect, like with friends or making new ones.

  10. No. Believe it or not, I actually learned a lot from watching cartoons when I was younger. I learned the difference between horizontal and vertical from watching the Powerpuff Girls, and I also learned how to ride a two-wheeler bike from watching the Powerpuff Girls. I learned about recycling from watching Lloyd In Space, and I learned my right and left from some show I can't remember the name of. I learned everything I know about the American Revolution from a cartoon called Liberty's Kids...

    I don't think cartoons are harmful, if understood. Like, you might have to explain that if an anvil falls on your head you won't bounce back up, but that's about it.

  11. I have always played down cartoons in our house. She was only allowed PBS kids and now that she's in 2nd grade, she's completely uninterested in Spongebob or all that stuff.  

    I definitely think it's detrimental to their frame of mind if you let them watch before school.  They go to school thinking about the TV instead of school work.

    Sometimes she goes to a friend's house and comes home later complaining that all her friend wanted to do was watch TV.  Yeah, I feel like you, I just don't think they add enough positives to their lives, mostly negatives - especially the commercial ones on Nickelodeon, Disney, and the networks. It just teaches them to be consumers, wanting the latest action figure or doll that comes on during the advertisements.

  12. What cartoons? There are all sorts out there, from gentle ones for toddlers to X rated adult ones. You can't generalise like that.

    Sounds to me like you're not applying any discrimination to what your kids watch. Decide what shows you are happy with, and have them look up when they are on, and turn the TV on when they start and off when they end. They shouldn't be watching "cartoons" they should be watching particular shows.

  13. No. I've never had that issue with any of the children I've been around. But then again, those children had limitations put on what they could watch. Some things aren't appropiate for all ages and all cartoons aren't. You'll likely have to explain to them WHY the actions of characters are unacceptable. If they can understand why the behaviors are wrong, then I bet you'll have less problems.

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