hi frends, i had posted some questions a few days back and i was hoping for compensation from the insurance company of the mechanic who crushed my car's front park while backing a company van "CAREY DRIVING". After a long and suffering wait of one week, the claim adjuster called me and said " We are not the insurance company you should be dealing with, its the repair shop's insurance company" and said that the repair shop has insurace for its employees,,, i was so pissed off i told him i'd call back and immediately went to the repair shop. the manager told me that the adjuster had called just an hour ago, regarding the accident and that was their first conversation???!!!!! wat a sluggish claim adjuster!! frends, i really need help on this please cuz even without any fault i'm suffering a lot,,, having trouble going to college cuz i got no car now and have to ask for rides.. i've also thought on filing complaint against these two "repair shop's and inifity insurance (mechanic's insurance)" to the Texas department of insurace if i dont get proper compensation for my damaged vehicle. I'm really confused which one of these insurance has to accept the liabilities,,, please help me frends,,
38 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer.
Additional Details
3 minutes ago
-> no one injured, the car was parked
-> i had filed claim against the mechanic's or the driver's insurance company cuz i dont have collission cov.
-> repair shop's manager says that there was no work order on the van so technically the mechanic was not "at work",,, ??i'm confused on this <<---