
PAROLE CONDITIONS(pleas ans if you know anything about it)?

by Guest58773  |  earlier

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does anyone know how to get a protective order removed from parole conditions??my husband isn't allowed to contact me for one year even though i got the court to lift the no contact order they had put on my husband. now he's out of jail and his parole officer said there is a no contact order on his parole conditions. we are married and i want him home. Is there anyway to get this order lifted or who should i contact?




  1. His parole officer would have to make the recommendation to the trial judge that the order be lifted.  I don't understand why the court hasn't notified the parole officer of that fact.  There sure is some confusion there.  He (not you) has to contact his parole officer and ask what the status of the order is.  If the PO says it is still in effect then the information you got about it being dropped is false.  It would be a good idea for him to make an appointment to see the PO and ask if it's OK for you to meet there at the same time.  With you by his side I don't see the PO disagreeing.  Good luck!!

  2. First I can only speak about California, I do not know about other states.

    OK, is this PAROLE, or a COURT order.

    Parole, you need to contact the Parole Board

    Court, it may be a matter of his sentence.

    Before you run to either one:

    Was this misd or felony conviction? Did he do time in prison or county jail?   Both of these need to be answered before I can help you. People mistake parole with probation all the time.

    After a county jail sentence one usually gets Probation.

    After a stay in state prison one gets Parole.

    Answer the above and I can get back to you.

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