
PAYPAL help with my account!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I just got an 'instant' payment from an ebay buyer and in order for me to accept the payment, it says I have to upgrade my account to a 'premier' account...?? It never used to ask me this before when I got payments from ebay users...Why is this happening now?? Is it because it's an 'instant' payment??? Well, I don't even know how this instant payment stuff works in the first place since I just want a regular account with regular payments and with NO FEES... Can someone explain to me and help me out please???




  1. I think its because they payed with a credit card.

    They will charge you like 20-30 cents or a super smasll percentage for the transaction...its been months since I had that happen to me & I'm going off memory.

    There are NO monthly charges for the premier account either.

    ETA: seached:

    Premier accounts are for account holders who have a high transaction volume, need to accept credit or debit card payments, or need additional features.

    Fee Schedule: 1.9%-2.9% + a standard .30 charge PER payments received.


  2. I used paypal twice.  First time no issue, second time, my account got billed for my purchase, plus two other purchases from europe for over $1000 each.  I was lucky enough to get hold of the people who debited my account (it was a paypal issue, had to close out my Visa account).  They had similar stories where they sent their merchandise, but never received payments from paypal.  Since, I only pay by visa or cashiers check mailed.  FYI

  3. Pay them or lose all of your money!

    They got you real good!

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