ok well i recently just bourght a laptop,and reason why because my other computer well broke lOl.....this is what happend.? ok well it was early last year 2007 and my cousin mooved in and downloaded all this c**p to my computer its only 512RAM so thats not much but anywaysz he downloaded all this stuff" like download accelerator,limewire,messenger plus, and becuase my computer hadent already have msn installed he also installed that too and to go on top of limewire all the songs over 700songs,and the sims2 to go with that,anyways one time i just turned my pc off and the next day i turned it back on and i started it back up on the menu screen in black and white sort of like a comand promt it sed FILE CURROPTED? and i tried it again rebooted and it still sed it so it finally started up and then it just froze as soon as it got to the start menu and then my mum rang an ITperson and he installed like another 2RAM or something and gave me all these white dics that are called BACKUP DICS,and i didnt have no idea what they were but anyways it ended up doing the same thing over FILE CURROPTED,and my point is there anything or anyone that knows the problem that caused this curroption or whatever is there a software that i can buy/use to fix my pc...? or anything
thanks XxXoOo LoveNaomiLouise.