
PCB an incompetent c*m scandalous organization.

by  |  11 years, 3 month(s) ago

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What do you think about the news that PCB is an incompetent c*m scandalous organization? After what is happening to the players do you really think like that?




  1. Every organization has its strengths and weaknesses, good and bad points but there are some which excel in every thing from bad to worse. The present set up of the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) is the one that has touched the heights of inefficiency, corruption, incompetence, cronyism, dictatorship, scandaliaation or any other evil one can think of. Like a desire for awards, may be the cricket body is trying to get into the Guinness Book of records for its ‘sparkling’ performance. I read this in an article. I think this is true. PCB should change the management.

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