
PCB announces schedule for women pentangular T20 tournament

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PCB announces schedule for women pentangular T20 tournament
The Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) has announced the schedule for the 5-team women domestic T20 tournament that is to start from May 25.
All the matches will be played at KRL stadium, Islamabad. The training camps for the tournament have been set up and all the players are practicing hard to make the event a successful and interesting one.
The five teams include PCB Dolphins, PCB Eaglets, PCB Falcons, PCB Orioles and PCB hawks. These five teams are being led by respectively.
The opening match of the tournament will be played between PCB Dolphins and PCB Eaglets.
It will be a week-long tournament and will cover 10 matches. The final will be played on June 1,2011.
The schedule of the tournament is as follows:
May 25: PCB Dolphins vs PCB Eaglets, PCB Falcons vs PCB Orioles
May 26: PCB Dolphins vs PCB Falcons, PCB Orioles vs PCB Hawks
May 27: REST
May 28: PCB Eaglets vs PCB Hawks, PCB Dolphins vs PCB Orioles
May 29: PCB Dolphins vs PCB Hawks, PCB Eaglets vs PCB Falcons
May 30: REST
May 31: PCB Eaglets vs PCB Orioles, PCB Falcons vs PCB Hawks
June 1: FINAL at KRL Stadium.
The PCB is doing a lot for the promotion and betterment of women cricket in Recently, the board granted contracts to 20 women cricketers in four categories in order to encourage more and more young girls to adopt the game professionally.
Pakistan women cricket team has recently won a quadrangular T20 tournament in also claimed the title Asian Games T20 in 2010.
Women cricket has been at odds with religious, social and cultural norms since its inception in Pakistan. The clergy and right wing political parties have been opposing it strongly but the game has survived in face of all predicaments.
There is change now in terms of acceptance; however, it will take a long time to come at par with men’s cricket.



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