im hoping to find out if anyone know's about this process?
I'm in my 20's, been trying for 3 years. So went to the gyno and he recommended ovulation induction for 4 months. I know my PCOS is bad (rarely get a period) but it seems so extreme. I hear of so many on clomid or metformin, but my gyno said OI is the ways to go, without really explaining. My Husbands count is slightly low, not enough to worry about. But i feel OI is scarey, all the needles, internal ultrasounds and blood tests - woah! and it cost $300 per month. i know that seems pety, but when so many successfully get pregnant on medication i would love to try that first. Am i entitled to talk to the gyno about his desision? so back and see him? get a second opinion? But on the other hand his one of the states leading fertility specialists, i guess he knows what he's doing. Has any one been through ovulation induction?
thank you all!