
PCOS Ladies please help!

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PCOS Ladies please help!

Thanks for taking the time to read this. My name is Lisa and I am 24 years old, I am getting married in September and we would like to start having children right away. I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 13 years and I have been taking birth control to control it since then. My doctor recently prescribed Metformin for weight loss. I am scared--no let me rephrase that- I am terrified that I will not be able to have children. I was just wondering if you ladies of any steps I can take now so that it will be easier to conceive when we are ready. Also, what is the likelyhood that IVF works for PCOS, my insurance covers 3 attemps at IVF and if need be that would be an option for me. Thanks gals.




  1. I have PCOS.

    Having PCOS does not mean you will not be able to have children. My cousin has PCOS, and was able to fall pregnant once she lost a fair bit of weight.

    Your doctor is on the right track giving you Metformin. That, in addition to regular gym (2 hours, 3 times a week), has helped me lose weight. It's stopped many of the adverse effects of PCOS... I don't look like I suffer from it anymore.

    Here are some websites that you may want to look through for more information:

    Remember that not all websites are entirely accurate. Consult with your doctor, or, better yet, your gynecologist if you have any further concerns.

  2. Don't be scared, it's unfortunate when PCOS is present, but NOT the end of the line as far as motherhood goes.

    I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 17 (13 yrs ago) and after multiple miscarriages (14) (also involved IVF/ICSI) - was told I would NEVER have my own child as I couldn't carry a pg because of the PCOS, like h**l I knew I was destined to be a Mum and I wasn't giving up on my one and only dream because of what they said.

    I finally met a new specialist in a different state and he put me on Metformin straight away (was shocked I never heard of it before then and was angry (I was furious) that after the 1st miscarriage I should of been put on it) anyways I was 24 then myself, took Metformin for 3 months then added Clomid to ovulate and started TTC again, what  do you know that first month with both meds - we conceived my 1st daughter, and stayed on the Metformin for the 1st trimester and she's now here today at 5½yrs old.

    had anothe rmiscarriage a yr after her birth,needed a d&c, I didn't take metformin thinking my body knew what to do then, I was WRONG. Another yr later - Conceived again by miracle and as soon as I found out I started Metformin again for 1st trimester and my 2nd daughter is now 3yrs old. And now trying for #3 so yes it's definitely possible, not saying you will have such an extreme case as me, but just letting you know even in my case where it was quiet bad I still proved everyone wrong and now have 2 gorgeous daughters

  3. im not sure of the odds for ivf but my mum knew sumone who who had had 2 children ad was tryning to have anther baby and she had a problem which made complications, im not sure what it was excatly but she tryed IVf but i didnt work for her at first she had about nine miscarriges and a still birth i am not sure whether that was because of the ivf but she ended up eventally conciving a little girl after a number of years, she has run a a huge debt but it was worth every pennie shealwas tells my mum. i hope i have helped and not put you off the idea.

  4. This would be best discussed with your gynecologist, who could refer you to a fertility specialist or endocrinologist if need be for further testing or treatment.

  5. Your Dr have you on the right med, METFORMIN. Metformin helps our body real good when it comes to pcos, the best mg to be on is 1500mg or higher. How long have you been on metformin? you should see and improvement such as weight lose, reguler cycles, or even ovulation in about 3 months, no need to worry about IVF, try not to think that far, have faith in yourself and know that metformin and clomid would work. Since you have been on BC almost all your life then even better there shouldn't be that much or any ctcys on the ovaries so metformin should help you ovulate alone. If 3 months of being on metformin doesn't gives you a BFP then you should talk to your dr about clomid, clomid is need to be use for 6 months and then if no success then IUI but don't freak you it'll happen, with pcos pregnancy can happen and with just clomid and metformin alone

    baby dust to you

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