
PCOS and stomache pains?

by Guest10804  |  earlier

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I've been diagnosed with PCOS and every now and then i would get the odd pain in my belly but not very often. For the last 3 weeks i have been taking vitex in the hope that it might make my cycle a bit more regular as i haven't had a period for 6 months. For the last 3 days or so i've been getting a lot of pinching pains around my ovaries, do you think this is the vitex starting to work or is this just a normal part of PCOS? I've got an appointment with the specialist on monday so don't want to go to the doctors if possible but not sure if i need to. Not sure if you can get cysts that burst with this condition but the pain isn't very severe just uncomfortable




  1. It is possible even for women with normal ovaries to have a cyst burst.  The problem with the Vitex is that one of the most reported side effects is stomach pain.  If you are concerned about not having a period then you should definitely discuss that with the specialist.  I would guess (because I have VERY irregular periods) that the Dr will recommend birth control (if you don't want to get pregnant) or provera and clomid since it seems like you want to have a baby.  I just finished a round of provera and started the clomid again yesterday.  Good Luck.

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