
PCOS---are the only solutions for a 33 year old, the pill or full hysterectomy???

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finished having kids but does really bad on the pill---messes with mood too badly, even YAZ and JAZ. extremely painful ovulations,,,,,,buying stock in Aleve..........




  1. Gah!!!! Do NOT get a full hysterectomy!! Who suggested that?? That's bad! You might just be trading one problem for another! Or for many others, that are worse than the previous problem! If you think the pill messes with mood, wait till you try hormone replacement--10 times as bad.

    Has anyone suggested using Metformin? PCOS is not a problem that originates in the ovaries--it's a metabolic problem, and the ovarian issues are a symptom, not the source of the problem. Metformin helps to address the underlying problem, rather than just the ovarian problem. I'd also suggest trying some other pills, if you've only been on a few. There's a lot of variety. See the list here:

    Try pills with different types of progestins in them, or lower amounts of estrogen, and see how that works.  

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