
PCOS?? is it possible for me to have that?

by  |  earlier

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First of all I'm 18, and I got married very very young. I left in august 2005 when i was 15 [please don't say anything] well i got my period that month before that i would get my period every other month or so but i would ALWAYS get it. after being with my husband i stopped getting it.. from august i got it till like many months after. maybe in the 3 years of being married i've gotten it no more than 7 times. When i told my mother she took me to the doctors i had sonograms made blood tests and everything was fine[according to the doctors] So my mind was still not in ease so Since I lived in florida and my mom in texas when i went back home to florida i did more exams all coming out to be perfectly fine, all the doctors i've seen[cuz i've seen a couple] all said i am fine, so i don't get it? So i just heard this PCOS thing but i don't think i have that i think the doctors would've told me after so many exams, I don't have any symptoms just the not getting the period one. not ance i've gained a little weight from age 15- till now which i am 18. please if any of ya know about PCOS tell me.. I'm kinda scared I want to have kids. and plus nobody in my family has had problems with having kids.




  1. I can tell you that you are not alone. I am 20 years old and I probably have 2 or 3 periods a year. I am not on any sort of birth control etc. Similar to your situation, doctors can't seem to find anything wrong with my reproductive system, hormones, thyroids, etc.

    However, I am now 23 weeks pregnant with our first child. So... don't give up hope. I had no type of intervention, and still managed to get pregnant.  

  2. Most doctors miss the diagnosis of PCOS. I had a doctor tell me that I had some of the symptoms of PCOS a few years ago but that it would work itself out. Recently, I have started experiencing more and more symptoms of it. What I have done is gone on line printed out some information on it especially the symptoms and taken it with me to my doctor. I am hoping that once I get a confirmed diagnosis I can get treatment for it. Especially the weight gain, I did not experience any weight gain at first but over the last few years I have gained alot of weight and no matter what I do I can't seem to lose it, in fact I gain more. I would recommend really pushing the doctor, don't do like I did just because I had a few of the symptoms and take their word for it and waste a few years and then get more and more symptoms. Good luck.

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