
PCOS sufferes pls help!

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I have PCOS and am ttc, my periods are irregular and I'm really worried that I don't ovulate! Can anyone who has experience with PCOS and pregnancy advise me on how I can check if I do actually ovulate? Also how can you check when are the best days to conceive? Withh my irregular periods I'm finding it very confusing to find out!! Serious answers only pls. Many Thanks




  1. You sound just like me about 6 months ago.  I am now 10 weeks pregnant, so here is what I did:  

    1.) Start using fertility charts.  Keep a thermometer next to your bed and take your temperature every morning before you get out of bed.  Record it on the chart.  Your temperature shoots way up when and if you ovulate, usually around the middle of your cycle.

    2.)  If your charts are irregular and it doesn't look as though you are ovulating, make an appointment with a reproducive endocrinologist, and take the chart with you to show him or her.  If there is a problem with ovulation, the charts really help the doctor to pinpoint what the problem is, and what kind of medication or treatment you need.

    For me, I found out I had PCOS last December, I started seeing the RE in February, started medication in April, and was pregnant by the end of June.  I am very glad I did the charts because I think that I might still be trying to get pregnant if I hadn't.  Good luck, and remember it might take a little while to get pregnant, but more than likely you will!

  2. I have PCOS and I did get pregnant. What you need to do is watch your body closely.  LIke women with 28 days cycles, we don't ovulate every 14 day of the month.

    Around ovulation, your mucus in v****a increases, breast might become tender and temperature of body goes little higher.

    If you have s*x every other third day few days after your period ends, you will get pregnant

  3. pcos girls dont ovulate sorry hun but your doc should have gave you metformin or clomid if you want a baby you can have a period with out ovulating my friend does and she also has pcos both of us do and when he gives you the meds you will need to use ovulation kits to check its like 20 bucks for the 20 pack at walmart of the first answer ones good luck

  4. I was diagnosed with PCOS as well.  Since your periods are so irregular, it may be hard to determine if you do.  I am very irregular as well.  I had to take Provera which brings on your af and then my doctor prescribed Clomid to help me ovulate.  I also used an opk to help determine if I was ovulating.  But with taking the Clomid, your doctor will require you to get blood work done once you reach your "peak" or ovulate to determine whether you ovulated or not.  Has your doctor talked to you about Clomid??  On a normal cycle, you usually ovulate day 14-17.  I have a longer cycle so it was diff for me but the opk really really helped.  It told me exactly when I was in that window of opportunity.  It's highly recommended.  I did fall pregnant on my first cycle of clomid but miscarried at 8wks and am getting ready to start my second cycle.  Feel free to ask me any questions!!!  I hope I helped!!  Lots of baby dust to you!!!

  5. actually some pcos women do ovulate and mange to get pregnant without any help,

    and other might need a little help (like me) with clomid.

    you could go to your dr's and ask him to do a blood test on day 21 of your cycle to see if you ovulate or not.

    if you don't then he will prob refeer you to the gyno's straight away as you have pcos then you'd be precribed clomid.

    other people do ovulation predictor kits but sometimes these are not acctrue with pcos, some people do look for mucus and do basal temp mointoring - maybe you could give this a go first (depeding on how long youve been ttc)

    good luck x

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