
PCS from Korea soon? ?

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my husband and i are in korea and he will pcs soon. we were not command sponsored but i was wondering, will the army pay for our stuff to get shipped back? and also, i know the army will pay for his ticket to go back to the states but is it possible for the army to buy my ticket as well and then be reimbursed later. we would really like to go back together but don't know if this is possible? about how early should we start packing before we leave?




  1. The Army will not pay for your ticket to return to the US.  His orders did not include any dependents if he was not command sponsored.  Sorry, you will have to pay for it yourself.

    The government will move furniture, but he has a weight limitation.  Since his orders state he is unaccompanied his weight allowance is based on rank.  If he is an E6 he will have a weight allowance of 400 pounds for an unaccompanied tour.  In order to get more weight, he will have to submit an exception to policy.

    You should arrange for your transportation pick-up date as soon as you recieve your orders.

  2. since you went over NCS: they will not pay for your plane ticket at all and he will only get the Single weight allowance for HHG.  

  3. They will pay for his ticket home. Since you are non-command sponsored, the responsibility for your travel falls soley on your shoulders. They will ship his good at the single weight allowance. The rest will have to come out of your pocket.  
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