
PE Health Screenings tomorrow...HELP!?

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For requirements for the PE class, (physical education), we need to get our eyes, heighth, and weight checked. I am overweight (maybe by a lot) and I am afraid to get on that scale tomorrow. I am so nervous. I'm afraid she will just say something, make a face, or just gauche. I am not the biggest kid in my class, but I am big. How can I feel calmer?




  1. Don't look at the scale. Look away.  

  2. im exactly the same...i am so nervous about my weight but i just go and get on the scale and just let life go on and i talked to my doctor about losing weight! i think that you should do what i do and if she says something then tell her okay that its your weight not theirs.

  3. just go in there like

    you are the tinyest kid and

    dont mind if ppl say anything...

    and if you feel this way then try to

    work out and loose the weight...

    but i know easier said then done.

  4. Don't worry they examine a lot of fat kids (Not implying you are fat) so even if you are like you say, she won't care, she does it a lot. Trust me, when we were screened for scoliosis I knew a kid who was seriously obese, he took his shirt off, she just did the exam, and didn't even make a note of his overweight ways.

  5. shes a nurse, so shes used to weighing kids off all different sizes. shes an adult and is supposed to be professional. she won't make a face or say anything if she does shes just rude. but usually the scale isnt infront of everyone, and if your not the biggest one in the class dont sweat it.  but maybe if your so scared and nervous about this, start eating healthy and going to the gym and do something about your weight. hope this helps

  6. So if you skip it you'll have to take it a different day?

    I agree with the answerer that said sue her.  If she makes a face or says something nasty then have your parents go to the school board and make a huge stink.  Don't worry about being overweight, like you said you aren't the heaviest guy.  You are who you are, a number on a scale doesn't change that!  Good luck kid.

  7. same, here i am in your situation, we have the "health fair" this year, and we have to be weighed. I hope its not in front of everyone! Just, relax, whenever I have to go to the doctor I am always afraid, when the nurses weigh me, but its over in like 15-20 seconds, or shorter! Just TRY to think of something else. I hope it goes ok for you!

  8. if she does sue her

  9. If she says something, that should help motivate you to think about [talking to your doctor] about what you can do to lose weight.

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