
PEG tube for feeding? Info please? Especially anyone with personal experience.?

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A relative of mine is getting a PEG tube put in, in a few weeks.

I know they have a disorder of the oesphagus and stomach.

I feel too uncomfortable to ask them what a PEG is?

What will the surgery involve?

How long will it be in for?

What does a PEG look like?

What exactly will he do with it? Vitamise foods? Liquids?

What will it feel like for him? Will it hurt?

Any information is greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

If I have to add details in here, just ask, and I will see if I can.




  1. It goes in very quickly and is considered minor surgery.  I think they bring it through the mouth down to the stomach and then out through the abdominal wall.   They have to place it the right way so that the person does not asperate.  It looks like a little clear pastic thing with a cap.  When feeding, the cap is openened and the connection from the tube from the bag that has the feeding formula goes in.  

    Depending on the condition, there are different kinds of feeding formulas, but there is where you have to be careful.  The doctors don't know too much about them, so they rely on nutritionists who go to classes sponsored by the manufacturers.   You can get a lot better information from the manufacturers, than from anyone.  Their literature will tell what what known bad reactions there are to the formula and what the interactions are to certain drugs.   The FDA does not regulate this stuff like it does drugs.   Some people do not tolerate some formulas well, but nursing homes like to feed everyone the same thing, because they can buy it cheaply in bulk and make a lot of money.   Some of the formulas are called "semi-synthetics."  Some companies make formulas from more natural food ingredients, and I think these are much better.

    I do not think the tube hurts, but it is an area that can get infected if not taken care of properly.

    Be careful of nutricianist who use a formula to determine volume, because it can result in gross overfeeding.   Problems of intolerance with the formula, overfeeding, etc. can lead to vomiting.   There can also be a problem of dehydration resulting when there is bad tolerance of the formula.  

    Good luck.  Do your own reseach on feeding l formulas by asking info from the manufacturers and researching medical journals at a medical library.

  2. It'll be a tube that goes straight into his stomach through his abdominals. It wont hurt provided he's been given anesthetic.

    He will be given liquids full of nutrients, probly taste like c**p if you drink it and he can still taste food but can't swallow it. From the info you gave he'll probably have the PEG for the rest of his life or until they find a fix for his problem.

    Be thankful its a PEG and not that bag that collects p**p.

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