
PEOPLE AGAINST MARIJUANA, have you ever tried it?

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Ive read so many questions related to marijuana and they all have answers like "hey loser how about you dont smoke drugs pothead" THESE ARE PEOPLE ASKING FOR ANSWERS, AND IF YOU DONT HAVE ONE THAT ACTUALLY RELATES TO THE QUESTION ADN THAT IS JUST BASHING THE ASKER, DO US ALL A FAVOR AND REFRAIN!!




  1. True dat!

    I love reading some of the answers… or should I say statements that people post regarding marijuana and their feelings regarding it.  They miss the point of the question completely and post their moral position on pot.  It great because it’s an easy way to find out who’s actually educated in marijuana and its effects, and those who are simply sheep and speak blindly about something they no nothing about.  For years society has black listed pot, claiming it’s a gateway drug, highly addictive, and for losers.  Yet what they don’t mention is any kind or stimulant can be addictive, a gateway drug or used irresponsibly.  What’s also funny is how no one remarks on the positive effects of marijuana for people with cancer, lupus, glaucoma, etc.

    Ah well, sometimes the more things change, the more they stay the same.  

  2. Hmmmm.

    I grew up in the society that followed in the footsteps of listing marijuana in the same category as opium. Considered for many decades to be highly addictive, marijuana has gotten a very bad reputation.

    The AMA has carefully stayed on the fence regarding marijuana use, with some researchers still classifying the herb as addictive, though the belief that it is as dangerous as narcotics is largely a distant memory.

    Truth: no one smokes a joint and goes looking for a fight. Most pot smokers are so busy looking for the Twinkies they can't even think about violence. Pot smokers tend to be driving too slow to actually kill anyone in a car. Mellow is the key word.

    Truth: Most pot smokers are clinically depressed and function better because marijuana reduces the acuity of depression by releasing serotonin and dopamine.  

    Look at the history of medicine and you will see when Western medicine became more powerful than the public that it served. Marijuana is not the only home remedy that fell victim due to ignorant legislation funded by the pharmacuetical companies, coca, (we know it as cocaine) originally used to make Coca Cola, is a safe herb used in it's whole form as a superior pain reliever and anti-depressent. Ma Huang (we know it as ephedrine) is a terrific herb used to relieve sinus congestion and boost energy. Both herbs are closely regulated by the FDA and even outlawed in some cases in the US.

    Doctors are very split on the issue of marijuana use, mostly due to great lobbying by the pharmacuetical industry, and their own ignorance of herbs in general. All Docs know the value of marijuana for the gluacoma issue, for Aids symptom relief, as well as it's benefit for chemo patients. Pharmecuetical companies would, however, rather that depression be treated with expensive drugs rather than allow individuals their right to self medicate with safe alternatives.

      Smoking marijuana is less than safe for the overall health of an individual. Marijuana smoke is more toxic than cigarette smoke per cigarette with extremely high levels of tars and is a known contributor to lung cancer. However, using the herb as a food source is very beneficial and relieves constipation which is one of the primary side effects of prescription depression medications.

    The social cost of the outlawing of marijuana is enormous. Prisons are housing growers and users, insurance companies are paying for expensive drugs (that are mostly ineffective) then returning the cost to consumers and tax dollars are lost on illegal sales.

    As far as gateway use is concerned, marijuana is not the true gateway drug, cigarettes are considered the number one gateway drug. The interesting note here is that cigarettes were freely distributed to Army GI's during WWII to keep soldiers occupied. A great example of another bad choice exercised by our government.

    In the end the real issue is that we as a people have allowed ourselves to have our rights trampled by ignorant politicians whose agendas are payed for by lobbyists. Our lack of concern expressed by our ridiculously low number of voters shows that we would rather complain than actually take control of our own lives. It is easier to call attention to another's lack of control as paraphrased in your question than to actually make a change in one's life.

    A person does not have to be a pot smoker to understand the issue. A person just has to pay attention.

  3. If a person is against it, why would they try it ?

    I know it's also used as medical treatments, but in this state, it's not legal. You can ask our senator, who was our county sheriff, prior to that, our town marshal. The current town marshal and I are good friends and have been since he was 13.

    I never tried it, I have to take seziuire meds. and they wont mix.

  4. sure, i know why they call it dope

  5. The original question appears to be "have you ever tried it?"


    I've never tried being run over by a bus either, but having seen what happens to people who have, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't like it.

    Same goes for sucking smoke into my body to make me feel good.

  6. Yes,and I would only advise on "pure homegrown" and not all the chemically mixed c**p out there!! .I hope that all these ;(non-smoking,I have never drunk any alcohol or particapited in any fun activity in all my life social virgins!! ); realise that they are the sad "suited and booted" souls that will die in their luxury and "polluting ""4x4s whilst going to work with high blood pressure,due to the fact that may be late or their shares are floundering?  

  7. I think it is the way some questions are asked. People are always going to express their opinions on a hot topic like this. 12 states have passed medical marijuana laws, so this is a start. It is great for people with nausea from chemotherapy, migraines, chronic pain, glaucoma. You are not going to get too many straight answers pro for something that is illegal otherwise. I am personally all for it; so is my pain doctor.

  8. Ben Harper sings my exact thoughts....

    "If you dont like my fire, then don't come around cuz I'm going to burn one down. Herbs the gift from the Earth and whats from the Earth is of the greatest worth SO before you knock it try it first, and you will see its a blessing and not a curse!!"  

  9. when i was young i smoked it. i wish i never did!

  10. No, Drugs are for unittelengent people who have nothing better to do with their lives.

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