
PEPSI,COKE, COCA-COLA: what's the difference???

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i was just wondering cuz they all taste the same..........does the same company manufacture them? or do different ones?




  1. C'mon!

  2. Nothing just the name.

  3. Totally different (competitive) companies.  And I don't think they taste the same...I can't stand Pepsi but can drink Coke. (And, yes I have tried them "blind" and was able to tell the difference!)

  4. Yea coke is coca-cola just shortened

  5. haha....... both are soft drinks and drinkable,why you bother about the names??????anyway,i prefer pepsi....yummy!!!!!

  6. Coke is coca cola. Pepsi and Coke are both colas and are made by different companies. Coke was the first and the largest and Pepsi is the 2nd largest. Other companies make colas too. They all taste similar but most people think they still differ from each other and have their own preference as to which one they like more.


  8. coke is the short cut for coca cola,

    pepsi is in a different company , i dont like pepsi its so...don't know the word but i don't like it, i like coke better,

    have you tried, royal and mirinda? its so great

    oh and one more thing, cok, pepsi and virgin has the same taste!

  9. Coke and Coca-Cola are considered to be the same drink--at least they are now. A while ago the Coca Cola company that created them changed the formula to "new coke" After customers basically said that it tasted like ram's urine, they switched back and named their product Coca Cola Classic. Today, when you order a coke, they give you the product known as Coca Cola Classic.

    Pepsi has always just been a shortened form of Pepsi Cola and is the flagship product of, unsurprisingly, PepsiCo.

    Here's everything you could ever want to know about Pepsi and Coke:

    A long time ago, the two formulas were very different. Coca cola is named because it had small amounts of coca plant in it--yes this is where cocaine comes from, and yes the coke of the olden days had a tiny bit of cocaine in it. Coca Cola basically invented the modern soda industry--they were the first around.

    Pepsi was named after the stomach enzyme Pepsin-- --since back in those days, sodas were basically pharmaceutical products.

    Over time the formulas changed. For example, cocaine became illegal for some reason. Coke was the more popular drink and Pepsi was the underdog. Pepsi basically survived by being the cheap brand. Think of it almost as an, "Americas Choice/Kirkland Signature/Pathmark Brand" type of existence. Over time, Pepsi gained market share and Coca Cola did stupid things like change their formula to new coke. Now both companies effectively compete with each other in the cola wars.

    Either way, you really have to sample both and see what taste you like, but even I admit that they are very close. If you want another reason to buy one or the other, then consider that Pepsi is slightly less evil than Coke. I say slightly less evil because, well, for example: Coke worked with paramilitaries to crush workers in other countries among many other things and Pepsi may have, well, kinda 'accidentally' let some pesticides slip into their Indian soda--oops--among other things. The list of human rights and health violations is enough to write several books about, and neither company is squeaky clean, but on the upside they are both quite refreshing and tasty! Look at the sources for more info on this.

    I prefer the crisp refreshing taste of Diet Pepsi, but, you know, to each their own.

  10. I really dont know

  11. its soo true they do i never noticed ,

    why would they make 3 that taste the same lol

  12. First of all, Coke is short for Coca-Cola... they're the exact same product. Unless you're thinking of coke as in "cocaine" which is an illicit drug which, at one time, was part of the original Coca-Cola recipe (but is no longer of course).

    Pepsi and Coca-Cola are the two big cola's obviously. If you tasted a Coke and Pepsi in a blind taste test, you'd probably be able to tell a difference. Most people agree that Pepsi is a little sweeter. But, it's all about personal preference and most people prefer Coke. Whether or not that's a taste thing or an advertising thing is up to you.

    Why don't you go buy a bottle of each, and have a friend help you perform a blind taste test? Get to the bottom of this for yourself.

    The two companies, Coca-Cola and Pepsi Cola have been notably engaging in a marketing "cola war" for the past several decades and it continues to this day. They are the bitterest rivals in consumer advertising; think of Coca-Cola as the Yankees and Pepsi as the Red Sox.

  13. pepsi is a little sweeter

    Coke is a white powder

    coca-cola, is a little less sweet then pepsi.

  14. I agree muchly with alexinscarborough.

    I don't really care about the difference, I boycott them all.

    Coca Cola has put many companies out of business and it contains just about the same ingredients as car wheel cleaner.

    Pepsi is just gross.

    Don't drink either! Leave them alone and go drink some water!

  15. Pepsi comes from PepsiCo, and Coke/Coca Cola froms from Coca Cola.  Personally, I think that Pepsi has a faint lemon-ish flavor and Coke tastes more syrupy.  Coke is definitely my fave, and I can taste the difference.

  16. Pepsi is made by the Pepsi Cola Co., whereas Coca Cola is made by the Mormon Church.  Pepsi is sweeter than Coke.  Also, Coca Cola got it's nic, Coke, because they actually used to PUT cocaine in Coca Cola. (just a little history for you).  On a personal note, I prefer Pepsi to Coke, because it IS sweeter, and Coke leaves a bad after taste in my mouth.  (Has nothing to do with cocaine, as they no longer put it in there.)

  17. Not much difference, every time you have one a big fat company is rubbing its hands a bit more.

    Toxic sludge.

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