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Any women have embarrassing horror stories?

Mine is cliche- I was 9.. yes 9 years old when I got my period, I was outside with some friends, I had white shorts and white underwear on, unaware my shorts had a hole in them, everyone saw before I even knew I had my period. arghhhh!!!!

Would love to hear some embarrassing stories that can make me chuckle and not feel so bad for myself LOL




  1. Guest59459

     I was on my period back the I was only 11 it was really heavy. We were going to take a bathroom break when I stood up up my neighbor which we a boy yelled to the whole class that I need in my pants. Even one girl said it's okay everyone need in there pants before. I made a lie and told them it was a ketchup packet in my pant and I set on it.

  2.  i'm 9 so i got my period march 1 and then got it again unexpectedley and my teacher asked me to do  a math prob on board and the whole class started laughing and my teacher wouldn't let me go to bathroom untill recess. i was so embarrased.

  3.  I've found something that saves me from such embarrassing situations. It is a leak-proof panty called adira period panty. Works like a charm and made of cotton to keep me cool on those hot days..

    Girls out there, get them and save yourselves  

  4. OMG so one time i got my period but i didnt know and i leaked a huge red spot on my pants. no one told me until after school when my grandma told me it was so embarrassing :(

  5. Well...12 years old school picture day. Im wearing a Khaki skirt and a light purple shirt thinking I was SOO cute walking around socializing with friends waiting for my turn to take my picture. So I take my picture and we are all walking back to class and my teacher tells me ugghh you have something on your skirt I go to the bathroom to see...UGgghhg a leak on my khaki skirt. I had no jacket or nothing to cover up SO I just stayed in the bathroom trying to figure what the h**l I was going to do. A girl came in and I had her go get my best friend so my bestie came to the rescue with her jacket on thank GOD. I wrapped it around my waist and skippped the rest of school for the first time and walked home!! Uggh what a day to remember! Oh the Beautiful joys of being a Woman<< 

  6. omg, mine is super embarassing!, so when i was around 13 yrs old, i got my period. It was my 2nd one, and my 1st one was really light, so i only wore a small panty liner for this one. it turned out to be super heavy, and towards the end of the school day, i felt some wetness in my pants. I went to the bathroom and noticed that my pad had leaked. I was wearing dark grey shorts, and it haddnt soaked throught tht thank god! so i was in the car with my mom, thinking i was going home, so i could change. I had forgotten i had hip hop class that day!!! i was like O s**t!!! i told my mom i felt sick and i couldnt go. Of course she didnt beleive me, so i had to go. We were wearing leotards! only a small seethrough skirt to cover the crotch part of the leotard. :/ when i go ther, i was relieved to find i had a tampon in my hiphop bag. I put it on, but the whole tme i was dancing, i couldnt move my legs up high, becuz i still had some blood fromt the leakage earlier. My dance teacher asked what was wrong, and i said nothing. I did terrible tht day, but i dont think anyone saw anything!

    --penelope :P

  7. Okay well I have several.......

    This was the very first day I had mine. I was at my baby cousins 4th bday up in Fillmore. My parents didn't go because they had some other stuff to do. So my cousins party was held at my Aunt an Uncles motor home that you know in Fillmore. So I was just playing around and my cousin and I were playing tag. So I had said time out time out. By the way I was 11. Any who I said Wait I have to go to the bathroom. So there was only one bathroom and i had to wait. As soon as my other cousin got out I went....I was just going to the bathroom and I had then noticed that I had blood all over my white yes white underwear! My heart was like shaking. At first I was so scared. My mom wasn't there either. So I just wiped myself and went to go tell my cousin who I trusted  so much. She goes oh....She got out of the chair and went and told my Nina the one who i came to the party with. Then of course no one had a pad with them because they were all over their 50's. Which sucked like h**l. But my cousin whose bday it was her mom had a panty liner. So I put that on and it didn't work at all. So we were there and all my aunts and older cousin's kept asking me if I was okay and I kept saying yes I was just so irritated!!!!!! I hated it. My mom and I aren't close at ALL. So then my Nina told me that I had to call her and tell her and she started CRYING! I was like mom shut up god!!! That happened February 2, 2008.  Ever since then i haven't really truly none what to do. I just taught myself because my mom is 60 and so yea!

    Okay my other story:

    It was field day at school. This happened this year. So this just had to happen on field day. My last field day at my school. Cause I am going into High school this fall. Anywho I was hanging out and playing and i got real bad cramps and so I went up to my 7th grade teacher who already nows about like all of it. I told her and she went and got me one! I was so revealed because I had only had one more left and I didn't know what I was going to do! For me at my school it wasn't embarrassing at all to talk about that stuff. All the teachers at my school are girls except my math and science teacher. But even he is so chill about it. Thats what I loved about that school. You could talk about period or ask questions and they would be there for you anytime any day!

    i am 13 now and i have been through a lot of stuff. I'll tell you right now people probably say don't worry about it. Well, you know what forget them they are just telling you the easy way. You get in so much pain. But after you have had it for three years and almost 4 you don't even let it interfere with your life. I mean i didn't let it. Don't let it do it to you!!!!!

  8. Okay well I have several.......

    This was the very first day I had mine. I was at my baby cousins 4th bday up in Fillmore. My parents didn't go because they had some other stuff to do. So my cousins party was held at my Aunt an Uncles motor home that you know in Fillmore. So I was just playing around and my cousin and I were playing tag. So I had said time out time out. By the way I was 11. Any who I said Wait I have to go to the bathroom. So there was only one bathroom and i had to wait. As soon as my other cousin got out I went....I was just going to the bathroom and I had then noticed that I had blood all over my white yes white underwear! My heart was like shaking. At first I was so scared. My mom wasn't there either. So I just wiped myself and went to go tell my cousin who I trusted  so much. She goes oh....She got out of the chair and went and told my Nina the one who i came to the party with. Then of course no one had a pad with them because they were all over their 50's. Which sucked like h**l. But my cousin whose bday it was her mom had a panty liner. So I put that on and it didn't work at all. So we were there and all my aunts and older cousin's kept asking me if I was okay and I kept saying yes I was just so irritated!!!!!! I hated it. My mom and I aren't close at ALL. So then my Nina told me that I had to call her and tell her and she started CRYING! I was like mom shut up god!!! That happened February 2, 2008.  Ever since then i haven't really truly none what to do. I just taught myself because my mom is 60 and so yea!

    Okay my other story:

    It was field day at school. This happened this year. So this just had to happen on field day. My last field day at my school. Cause I am going into High school this fall. Anywho I was hanging out and playing and i got real bad cramps and so I went up to my 7th grade teacher who already nows about like all of it. I told her and she went and got me one! I was so revealed because I had only had one more left and I didn't know what I was going to do! For me at my school it wasn't embarrassing at all to talk about that stuff. All the teachers at my school are girls except my math and science teacher. But even he is so chill about it. Thats what I loved about that school. You could talk about period or ask questions and they would be there for you anytime any day!

    i am 13 now and i have been through a lot of stuff. I'll tell you right now people probably say don't worry about it. Well, you know what forget them they are just telling you the easy way. You get in so much pain. But after you have had it for three years and almost 4 you don't even let it interfere with your life. I mean i didn't let it. Don't let it do it to you!!!!!

  9. this is how my first period went.
    i was staying over a friends house because my parents were out of town at a concert. all of a sudden i felt like i had to pee REALLY badly. so i went to the bathroom, and little spots of blood went everywhere. i was freaked,and my stomach had TERRIBLE cramps. it didnt actually bleed, but it was really gross clots...yuckkk.
    at 12 years old,i was seriously considering getting a s*x change opperation if that ever happened again. thankgodd IT DIDNT(:

  10. Recently, i decided to go camping with two of my friends, both boys, and i was about a week early for my period so it was unexpected, i borrowed a sleeping bag of another boy to use for the night, and it got to like 4am and it was to cold and the rain was everywhere and we were packing up and i had bled ALL over the borrowed sleeping bag and covering ALL of my bum, so i tied my jumper around myself for the time being,anyway i was like 'Arghhh' and packed it away and was going to throw it away and get a new one. Since we went back to one of the boys house to stay because it was cold, i searched his bathroom for tampons or pads or anything but i coudnt find anything so i stuffed a load of toilet paper in my knickers, and went back to his room, unsuprisingly i feel asleep and woke up like 6 hours later a whole area of his bed soaked with blood, i was so embarresed that i sent them both out so i could get "Changed" and piled blankets over the stain. I know if i told him he woudn't be understanding because we are all 13, and it would spread around, and i know if he asls anything about it i will deny it but, the thought of him finding it and knowing i stayed is shaking me up!!! Arghh x

  11. My boyfriend stayed over my house and we went to sleep,when i woke up the next morning i had a feeling i had got my period and leaked on the bed so i was to scared to get up, eventually my boyfriend got up to get a drink so i got up and found blood stains all over the bed, i went to the bathroom and cleaned myself up and had to cover the bed with a blanket so my boyfriend wouldn't see the blood.

  12. I was riding home from school with my friend in her moms car, and me pad had leaked. There was a large streak on the seat and I pretended like I didn't know what it was. When I got inside, there was a huge stain on my shorts!

  13. OMG this happend today so embarassing! So i was in Homeroom at the end of the day and doing homework when i suddenly felt like i was peeing so i told the techer if i cud use the bathroom and shes like no, u had a chance to go 5 min ago and u didnt. so then i was like ok and she said i cud go after she reads a chapter of this long broing book. so there i was feeling like gushes of pee was coming out, but i didnt realise that i had my period yet. then after like 30 min of reading, my teacher told me i cud go to the bathroom and i wwas like thank u, then i stood up and my pants (the back) was completley coverd in bright red blood so then i just sat back down but the class clown was like "look it here, we got a cherry cool aid fountain!" and then the whole class starated cracking up, and im only 12 btw, and in 6th grade and popular, and so then i started crying and then it started leaking on the floor and the teacher were just sitting and laughing softly. then she told me to go to the bathroom and she was a strict teacher, so i did and i was crying so my best friend  rose, took me to the bathroom, an then she said in the hallways "YOU STINK LIKE CRAZY!!" and the other classrooms heard and i felt soooooooooooooo embaarassed, so i went to the bathrroom and put toilet paper nd then had to go change into my gym pants and then went back to class and people stared and laughed and made fun of me the rest of the day!! IT WASS SOO EMBARASSING! my crush was like nice butt... then him aand his friend started cracking up... i cried the rest of the day and they wudnt let me go home because the day was anout to end anyway, but on the bus i leaked through my gym pants too, i feel like dieing!! im so embarresd i didnt even tell my mom, JUST KILL ME ALREADY!

  14. so i was with my best friend my boyfriend and her boyfriend, our guy friend and his girlfriend in town i didnt know my period was due that day. So i was wearin my white skinny jeans we were walkin round then my guy friend called me over on my own so we sat on the bench he was like do u have your period? so i said not at the moment why? he said i think its just started because u have a big red stain on your but. I ran like so far he n my boyfriend caught up my boyfriend was all concerened and asked what was wrong so my guy friend whispered in his ear what it was.He was really sweet and asked wat jean size i was i told him and he went and bought some pads and a new pair of jeans and got my best friend 2 bring them 2 the toilet 4 me i was so embarassed

  15. I new i had my period but my pad was too small i had double english so we couldnt hav a break to go to the toilet on the secont half i could feel it comeing out more heavy the bell went but as i quickly went out there was loads of blood on the seat the worst thing is the teacher knows i sit there and i had to skip my maths lesson after that too go to the nurse
    i could hav died

  16. I am A Guy, but over the years I have come to the aid on at least 12 girls that had embarrassing moments. and as a Badge of valor, several of my sweatshirts have the stains to prove my valor. ( not now but then. I did not save them you freaks...)

    Plus on several occasions I have helped a girl clean up a chair, quietly and discretely...  

    Blood only grosses me out or scares me when it is MINE. But I was young and and it was before all the AIDS scares, before we were told to be careful of blood borne illness like aids.

  17. Ok, this happened to me when I was but fifteen; I had gone to school feeling really pretty in my tight pink shirt and white shorts.  I had started my period the day before and was wearing two heavy pads since I leak a lot. As I was performing my routine bathroom trips (where I check for leaks) I notice a huge stain on my underware! Thankfully, and from some miracle, it did not reach my shorts. Then, a little while later during my lunch break, I visited the bathroom again and was horrified to discover an even larger red stain on my pretty white shorts!! And I had been walking in front of my entire class like that!!! I cussed a few times and made my way to the gym room, where I knew there would be some lost and found shorts I could wear. And just my luck, I found only these tiny little freshmen shorts that I could barely fit in. It was so embarrasing and I also missed lunch =(

  18. Ok, this happened to me when I was but fifteen; I had gone to school feeling really pretty in my tight pink shirt and white shorts.  I had started my period the day before and was wearing two heavy pads since I leak a lot. As I was performing my routine bathroom trips (where I check for leaks) I notice a huge stain on my underware! Thankfully, and from some miracle, it did not reach my shorts. Then, a little while later during my lunch break, I visited the bathroom again and was horrified to discover an even larger red stain on my pretty white shorts!! And I had been walking in front of my entire class like that!!! I cussed a few times and made my way to the gym room, where I knew there would be some lost and found shorts I could wear. And just my luck, I found only these tiny little freshmen shorts that I could barely fit in. It was so embarrasing and I also missed lunch =(

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