
PERIOD QUESTION!!!!!!!!! girls only ?

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hey girls. i have my period. im 14. ive had it for 2 years. question though. usually it lasts for 4 days and then maybe 2 days of old blood discharge. im on day three. and school starts on tuesday. Tampons are NOT an option. and i dont have a Kilt yet. the pants are tight fitting and you can seeeeee the pad there. so counting. tuesday will be one of the last 2 days of old blood. so the question........ "CAN YOU MAKE YOUR PERIOD GO BY FASTER? EVEN IF IT MEANS ITS HEAVY. IF SO. WHAT CAN YOU DO. OR WHAT CAN HELP TO MAKE THE BLOOD COME OOOOOOUT." ???!?!!??!




  1. There's no way to hurry along your period, I'm afraid. Although it probably feels really obvious to you, I doubt many people will notice you're wearing a pad at school. You've not really got any option if tampons are out of the question.

    And if anyone asks, you can just outright tell them not to be looking at your butt and that its none of their business. Or even tell them that you're on your period - so what business is it of theirs?

    If your pads are the thick kind, maybe look into getting some ultra thin ones because they might be a little less obvious when you're wearing your trousers. :)

  2. why are tampons not an option. theres no way to speed up this natural process. tampons or bust!

  3. Okay im 14 also.

    And i've had my period for 3 years.

    Im going to tell you right now, tampons are WAY better.

    I mean i know you must be scared to use them or whatever, and everyone usually is at first, but you will be better off wearing them.

    And you cant make your period go by faster, sorry.

  4. There is nothing you can do. I'm on mine right now and I wish it will end before school starts as well. I suggest that if you know that you will be very light on Tuesday, try an ultra thin pad. Good thing you aren't using a tampon because it's really bad for you. Enjoy your first day lol!!!

  5. NO, theres no way to speed it up or have it over sooner, the only option you have is the pad or a tampon. Why is a tampon out of the question, They are very easy to use, they dont hurt, there comfortable, and no one can see it, good luck!!!

  6. There is no way to speed the process.

    Its tampons or pad line.

    Why are tampons not an option?

  7. try working out and sit ups

  8. ummmmm u can't, but use a tampon, it'll save you a lot of stress

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