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im 13, i have done things but im very sure he has enterd.. my period is about 6 days late now, i feel like my belly is getting bigger but i dont know if thats just me, im getting really panic'y and feeling sick.. i really dont want to be pregnant.




  1. I have had the same thing lately and I also got kinda worried because my period came late. Just wear liners until it comes. I made the mistake of wearing pads until it came and I wasted a whole lot of valuable pads that I could have used. Anyways, that is alright because you're period can tend to come a little off-track and unexpectedly early or late when you are young.

  2. Just calm down. Your period can be late alot. You could also be very hormonal. Buy a pregnancy test, and if you don't want to, ask a friend. Every girl goes through stages like this. Like I said, just buy a test and stay alert for your period. If it makes you feel better, my period has been late for a week once. Ha ha! You don't need to be having s*x at 13 anyways. Just be careful hon.

  3. your pregnant

  4. the feeling that your belly is getting bigger is just in your mind. at just six days late nothing would be getting bigger. stress can cause your period to stop. so just relax. if you are pregnant there is not much you can do right now. wait awhile longer and see what happens. if you get to the point that at two weeks you have not started then you need to talk to your mom and dad and have your mom make an appointment with her ob/gyn to get you checked out to soee if you really are pregnant. if you are then you and your mom and dad can sit down and discuss then what to do about the situation. i pray that you would not decide to have an abortion. there are so many decent people out there that would love to adopt a newborn baby. that would love and care for it as if it were there very own. but take it one step at a time.

  5. nah its just you

    how can you feel your belly getting bigger in just like a week

  6. how about you get aa pregnancy test your mom doesn't need to know if that's what you're afraid of

  7. your 13. I'm sure you don't want to hear my morals on having s*x, you being a child and all, but if you didn't use a condom, then it is very likely your pregnant, especially since you period is late. go the a pharmacy and pick up a pregnancy test, probably more than one because sometimes they don't work, or they tell you the wrong thing. just try and stay calm. everyone makes mistakes. the first week that you are pregnant you will feel sick, but that could just be you feeling nervous. my best advice for you is to stay calm, take deep breaths and find out if your really pregnant or not. If you are, tell your parents immediately, even if they get mad. the sooner you tell them the easier it will be for you, and the less mad they get. good luck!

  8. Because you're 13, your periods probably won't have started regulating yet. Stop worrying, that is what's making your period late. Before you do anything next time ask yourself, what will I do if he gets me pregnant? What will he do.. will he help me take care of the baby? and you shouldn't be having s*x if you're planning on getting an abortion if you DO get pregnant, you gotta face up to your mistakes.  

  9. tell a friend or someone to buy you a pregnancy text and you can take it in your book bag for school and when you get there go to the bathroom and take the test read the instructions like that you will feel better if you ain't pregnant

  10. You're probably not pregnant, and if you are then you have been for a while. Usually a woman's stomach doesn't start looking noticeably  bigger until she's around 3 months pregnant.  

  11. wait about a week you'll know by then

    buy a pregnancy test

    and if u are pregnant watch juno and the secret life of the american teenager (a show on abc family) so you know what u have to go through and how to deal with it

    make sure you eat when ur hungry cuz you'll be taking care of another life. eat healthy and dont smoke or drink. talk to a doctor, they'll help and keep it private.

    wear more puffy and flowy shirts so no one will notice if u are

    and whatever u do please dont get an abortion

    you'd be killing your own baby and even though being pregnant is tough when ur only 13, it was ur choice to have s*x and u and the guy will have to follow through with it. talk to the guy too. if u find out that you really are pregnant, you have to tell him so that he can decide whether or not he wants to be involved.

    and as hard as it is, tell ur mom and dad as soon as ur positive of it. they can help. once they get over the shock, of course.

    good luck. just remember please don't kill ur baby

  12. At 13, I hope you are not pregnant.  If you didn't have s*x, then you are not pregnant!  Plain and simple.  Your periods are not always on schedule, especially when you are young.  Just be prepared.  It's probably coming soon!  And yes, before your period you bloat.  so you will feel bigger.  But after your period you should feel normal again.  Good Luck!  

  13. should have worn protection. now you're gonna have a baby and you can't even take care of yourself. real smart.

  14. At 13 and with the stress you are probably just late because of that. You would not be showing yet (that happens at around 4-6 months). Just try to relax and take a pregnancy test to help you relax. They are more accurate in the morning (first pee) but if you are 6 days late, it's still accurate during the day.

    I'll keep my fingers crossed that you aren't but you might want to stop messing around so much if you aren't ready. Just think about what you are going thru now the next time you start messing around.

  15. omg ok calm down...

    try and get hold of a pregnacy test, if you dont want to get it ask a friend or something to get one

  16. What  you can do is buy a home pregnancy test, easy to buy from Boots or Walmart or any pharmacy. Do the test early in the morning and read the instructions well first.

    I doubt you are pregnant tought. Feeling worried and stressed will make your period late. Also feeling bloated is one sign that your uterus is full and the menstruation is about to start.

    I'm not going to judge you, because I have no right, but next time use a condom or don't play at all ;)

  17. What do you mean by your very sure he has entered?

    If you are pregnant your stomach would most likely not be growing already. And because your 13 your period could be unregular. Wait a few days if you don't get it see your doctor. Or go to planned they can help with anything find an office nearest to you.  

  18. hahaha your tummy don't get big after 6 days late, it gets big when 4 months late! wait for 9 days and do test if you feel bad for it but in that age you have irregular periods and you should play with dolls!

  19. give it awhile... if you think you have nothing to worry about then it might just be you are stressing yourself out. If you stress yourself out over it then you are going to start getting paranoid. If you are usually irregualar then it may be just that you are late.

    I wasn't really that irregualar and over the past year my period has been getting worse and I have been up to 3 weeks late before.

  20. take one of those pregnancy tests.

    take two just to be sure

    or you really should see a doctor

  21. some times periods are late. trust me mine wuz like a week and 2 days late. with out doing anything. bc idont do those things

  22. eee! try a pregnacy test just to be sure, if not check out alot of pregancy websites to see if you have all the correct symtoms.  

  23. give a while, but i don't think your pregnant.. get someone you can trust to buy you clear blue.. when i say someone you trust i don't mean your mom [don't tell her yet..] and next time make sure you use protection

  24. It's probably water weight gain due to your impending cycle, which is normal to fluctuate at your age. Call your doctor if you're really worried. Wait until your married to have intimate relations. Then you won't worry about your health or future. And you will be following the Biblical laws on fornication.  

  25. How old were you when you started your period?  You're still young,  and periods aren't usually regular when you're young.  You are WAY too young to be having s*x.  If you aren't ready for a baby, you shouldn't be having s*x - especially (and it sounds like you are) without a condom.  Be careful...your stomach will not get bigger until you are almost three months pregnant.  Don't worry, everything will be okay.  Go pick up a pregnancy test if you're really concerned.  Otherwise, I'm sure you're period is still not regular yet.

  26. don't panic, periods can be late for many different reasons, give it a few more days and if theres still nothing then i suggest that you go to the chemist and get a pregnancy test

    hope this helps n hope everything works out

  27. well to be honest if u have had s*x and you didn't want to get pregnant you should of thought about that .

    But if you haven't then you wont be pregnant.

    go to the doctor if you think something is up, but it is normal for your period to be late somethings.

  28. thats ok, its normal dont worry

  29. You just got your period.your a kid so you might be late at times.

    But get a pregnancy test just in case.Calm yourself down a bit.

    Once you grow up you can be late at times but will have periods.

    Also at the age of 13 you can skip a month sometimes.Nothing to worry about.But go to a Doctor and ask if this is fine and ask if you are pregnant.

  30. Go to the dollar tree and get a pregnancy test. They work from that store. They worked for me both times I was pregnant.

  31. First go to the chemist and get a pregnancy test. It's the quickest and easiest way to see if you are pregnant. Buy 2 different brands to be sure. If the results are negative, you are in the clear. BUY CONDOMS and use them next time. If it shows that you are pregnant, book a doctors appt to confirm it. most importantly, find an adult you can trust, and ask them for help. Your mom would be the best option. please be safe next time!

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