
PETA Members - Should driving cars be banned because of the millions of insects it kills each year?

by  |  earlier

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Or how about the deer that get hit? Or how about the animal habitats destroyed to build the roads?

And yes, insects are an animal.




  1. lolz, I <3 you for this.

  2. Their suffering is short.

  3. I hate PETA too.. but insects are not animals. Don't know how else to put it.

  4. You are perfectly correct. We should give up our cars and go back to horse and carriage. No, that would put undo burden on the horse. I guess we well have to just walk everywhere.

    At least I have that nice cotton shirt I just bought to walk in. No on second thought, I'll bet lots of insects would be killed if we harvested cotton. HMMMM what to do.

    I guess I'll just stay home and eat a salad. Wait I wonder how many rabbit homes were destroyed while harvesting those veggies.

    Well at least I have a good house to live in. Oh my God. What about the squirrels and birds that don't have homes no that all this limber is in my home.

    I guess all I can do is get naked and go sit in the woods until I starve to death.

    Gotta go commune with Nature. See ya'

  5. I agree that it is extremely worrisome and disturbing that our ecosystems are suffering because of the widespread usage of cars and driving. However, I'm not sure that banning cars is the real answer. Cars for many people are absolutely necessary for people to work and live. We need cars to get us to important places. Imagine someone having a heart attack miles from a hospital and there was no ambulance because they were banned! Wouldn't that be unethical? I think the real answer is that when we can, we should walk or use a bike and not drive so much.

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