
PETA? What are its pros and cons?

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I've heard some of its members have done some pretty crazy things and I know the organization tends to have a bad reputation, but what's so bad about it? Aren't they just trying to help the animals? I mean, have they really ever killed anyone? It is like the biggest vegetarian organization right now, so they must be helping, right?

Whatever, I don't care. I got cool free stickers from them and a disk with clips from a lot of cool bands on it. Aww, I didn't know Casey Calvert was a veggie! It made me sad to see him in the vid. :(

By the way, this makes me feel dumb: What does PETA's name stand for?




  1. Their pros:

    They have turned many people onto the idea of vegetarianism and veganism, and have got people interested in their own brand of 'animal rights' (which is actually extreme animal welfare, not rights)

    Their cons:

    They make people think that animal rightists are extremist nut-jobs who chuck paint on others frequently. This is far from the truth for most of us.

    They appear to be sexist

    They partake in counter-productive campaigns, such as improving welfare standards for KFC chickens very slightly and then telling people it's ok to eat there. They also got a vegan friendly 'chicken' burger introduced, but this is rarely available and most of the time you get given it with mayo, real chicken or in the bun (instead of the wrap) that is non-vegan. Of course, you'd still be profiting KFC, which is bad.

    They confuse people about what real animal rights is about.

    Hope this helps!?


  2. People







    well i live in VA and PETA's HQ is here. a few years ago, 2 PETA members were caught getting rid of dog bodies. they had killed the dogs. some PETA members can be a little crazy, but i think some of them are really just trying to help animals.

    they arent really liked here though. every year fishermen have a contest type thing and they dump all the fish they catch onto the PETA's HQ front lawn.

    also, it seems to me that PETA tries to get people to be more vegan than vegetarian, but both are good.

  3. Dude, watch southpark. They just about sum up how PETA is.  

  4. People For The Ethical Treatment of Animals.

    If you have about 30 minutes that you would like to dedicate to finding an answer watch this.

    It's Penn&Teller(they're amazing!)

    PART 1

    PART 2

    PART 3

    ((I'm a vegetarian, but PETA is too extreme.))

  5. Hey, I missed you!

    Anyway, I found this link, I dont know how much of it is true, I havent even read the whole article, it made me too mad...but here you go/

  6. lol hey hitler was just trying to help mankind...look how that one turned out. Just because someone or some organisation is trying to help doesnt mean they do it correctly.

    throwing paint at people, hurling abuse at any1 that eats meat, trying to brainwash young children at school gates with mutilation videos and aiding in the destruction of property is hardly a good thing

    while yes what they stand for is good, how the go about it is wrong

    a mean hitler stood for world order, was it good he did what he did? no

    oh and peta stands for people for the ethial treatment of animals

  7. Cons: Extremist,unrealistic golas like making the whole world vegan,kills most of the dog's they take in at their shelter,try to convince kids their moms are murderers for serving meat to their kids as PART of their diet. Extreme protests,totally naked protests which are innappropriate. Some people like the bull-fight protesters don't even cover themselves with a sign like many other peta members do

    Pros: Make good videos like "meat your meat" as well as stating the health benefits of vegetarianism. They do focus on how they treat animals before slaughter but I'd like them to focus on that more than they do on converting the world to a vegetable,and legume diet.

    And lastly they boycotted iams for doing inhumane tests on animals. Iams is c**p dog food anyways so I'm glad I did. I don't even buy their gravy. If the only used Human grade ingredients like the brand I feed(natura) does they wouldn't have to test.

  8. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is a non-profit dedicated to animal rights. On the one hand, they do indeed profess to have animals' best interests in mind and advocate an end to animal testing and using animals as food sources. On the other hand, they are totally biased. I don't entirely trust any organization with a distinct goal to give 100% accurate information. I also don't entirely agree with their methods.

    Aggressive campaigns often put people off of a cause more than attract them to it. I believe that it's better, in general, to try to attract people to something by presenting its benefits rather than trying to put them off of an alternative. It's just like politics these days: a whole lot of mudslinging.

    Additionally, as with many values-based organizations, PETA suffers from some misbehaving members. As is the case with many organizations representing causes, sometimes individuals do things in the name of the cause. For example, if a PETA member goes around damaging fur coats or destroying meat shipments, PETA is going to take flack... both actions are generally considered to be unacceptable and the organization will suffer from guilt by association. (Just like sometimes people make generalizations about religions based on the actions of some followers.)  

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