
PETA - Who are they - really?

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Does PETA actually do anything except have nude fashion shows - over exaggerate animal abuse and collect money? They seem more like a clique that a bona fide animal rights group. Do they actually have any authority to correct the abuse that they report? Wouldn't the money be better spent if it went to the SPCA?




  1. aha, the money does to go to spca's around the world!

    They stress vegan-ism, and a lot of bands support it.

    for example Rise Against. go on youtube and look up PETA- tim mcllwrath to find out more.

  2. Want to know who PETA is? Watch this:

    It's completely accurate.

    Any animal rescue group with a l**k of sense hates P.E.T.A. They give animal welfare groups a bad name.

    Also... I wouldn't donate to the SPCA either. The money doesn't go to animal shelters. If you want to help animals and animal shelters, donate directly to non profit animal rescue groups, or your local animal shelters.

  3. well PETA sure doesn't make a any sense, if you actually do research on the cases it is not that severe. and the reason most animals are kept in metal cages is that scientist are doing a controlled experiment. only adding one variable at a time. And yes i do think that donating to the ASPCA sounds much smarter they actually save the animals instead of politely suggesting you don't do that. and they have the authority to take the animal away from an abusive owner.

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