
PETA members, how do you propose to manage wildlife?

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Without hunting animal populations grow too dense and disease and starvation run rampant. Native predators are gone, and in amny cases can never return to an area since the wildnerness has now become homes and shopping centers for people like you. There is also the negative impact overpopulation of wildlife has on farm land, if you lived here you'd see that left alone a group of woodchucks can destroy farm buildings fields and machinery as well as irrigation ditches and drainage ditchs; vital in many low lying areas.

How do you propose to control animal populations, I want to know.




  1. i say we let what ever there is alone theres already so many fricken rules to where hunting is allowed its pathetic! i mean seriously crow and frog season... how retarted... its nature things die! and dont even say how would you like it if a deer shot you> its not like that if youve evr bin hunting and besides if your a good and serious hunter you respect the wildlife enough not to just shoot and leave it... there is so many things you can do such as donate the meat to homeless shelters and stuff ...hah i agree with susan!

  2. What would you like to do with humane overpopulation?

  3. hmm people "like us" mean people like you. cant remember when the last time i bought anything from a shopping mall was? and my home has been in the same spot for over 100 years. like others have said, if you knew anything about ecology you wouldnt deem yourself so important to the well being of animals. by killing them? the best way to "manage" wildlife is to let predators form a new search image, which they will considering a predator search image of its prey is density dependent. do nothing at all, let it work itself and quit blaming everyone else for shopping malls and development. maybe we should start hunting people? afterall their populations are exploding! makes sense according to you.

  4. i'm not a member of PETA

  5. I am not a PETA member. 'Populations grow too dense and disease and starvation runs rampant' Good, this shows that the natural ecosystem is working.

    If there are no native predators left in an area and then there is an 'plague' of a species, then another predator will take advantage of the excess, or like you say the eco system will self adjust if left alone.

    Habitat destruction is people like all of us, particularly in the West. We all need to take responsibility for what we have done to wildlife and fauna. There is no excuse and the only action we can take is stay out of the existing natural spaces/wilderness and try to minimize our future impact on the environment.

    I live on a smallholding, we have lost animals to predators. If I keep chickens then it is MY responsibility to ensure that they are not 'sitting ducks' for foxes. It is up to me to ensure that there is adequate fencing or I put them away at night. I have a problem with the assumed rights/ownership of animals anyway, so if I take responsibility of having them; domesticated for our own use and kept  in artificial environments, then I must also accept the responsibility of looking after them too.

    I do not propose to control animal populations, man is not superior to all other animals, man does not have a 'right' to control animal populations, if it was not for our interference, our exploitation, our destruction of habitats, our hunting to extinction, our pollution of air, water and land and our arrogance then the ecosystem would be in lot better shape than it is now.

    So I do not propose to control animal populations at all, man destroys, so let nature do what nature does best, builds, enriches, adapts and balances the ecosystem. We are part of that ecosystem and rely on it for our own survival. How can you talk about man 'controlling animal populations' when we do not even really know about the ecosystem itself never mind how it works yet.

  6. I thought that PETA was out to manage human activities.  Animals are just an excuse to control humans.

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