
PETAs outrageous deeds to get attention..?

by  |  earlier

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list a few and what they did, and why.

thanks in advance!!




  1. well,I dont know of a list but here is a site and dont go to that short site that is posted it is spam and im going to report it (I think it was deleted),anyways here is a good anti-peta website that can help you...

  2. Well they are using a lot of skin in their ads, but their not showing b*****s. I see more in lingerie ads then PETA. I like what their doing. NO FUR!

  3. I let my membership lapse many years ago but I remember some of the stories they would publish in their member magazine:

    ** "I'd rather go naked than wear fur" - celeb members would stand naked behind a sign with the slogan, barely covering their naughty bits, and would create a publicity event.  It's a win-win situation.  The celeb gets another 15 minutes of fame, PETA gets to tag along, counting on the celeb as a partner in the cause, and attention is drawn to the plight of exploited animals.

    ** Standing on a crowded city street and spashing women's fur coats with red paint - this is a very controversial way of drawing attention to the cruelty of the fur industry.   It's vivid, it's bold, but in my opinion, it does more harm than good.

    I understand why PETA chooses to go to the extremes that they do, but I can't say I support their violent actions.  If you want to grab a lot of attention, sometimes you have to go to extremes.  So you do something that makes 500 people take notice.  You won't get 500 new members, but maybe you'll get 25-50, who will in turn start telling their friends about  their new cause.  

    It's like Johnny Appleseed ... you plant a few seeds, you move along.  Some of the seeds will take, others won't.

    Bad publicity is better than no publicity at all, and so they calculate the risks against the potential gains, and move from there.  They are devoted to raising awareness, and they're good at it.

    During the 80s, PETA was able to take advantage of a restless nation.   People had more disposable income and many were looking to get behind a worthwhile cause.  PETA knew how to hit people's EMOTION buttons, because so many of us have pets.  And I'll tell you that some PETA members are intensely committed to protecting animals at any cost.  

    I learned a great deal about manufacturing while I was a member.  Although I am no longer part of the organization, I still eat a largely plant-based diet, I don't buy leather products and I check the labels on everything I buy.  If it doesn't say NOT TESTED ON ANIMALS, chances are I won't buy it.  

    It has been 20+ years since I purchased anything from Proctor & Gamble or L'Oreal because of their testing policies.  Before the popularity of the crash test dummy, I refused to buy cars that used livestock in their crash tests.

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