Hello All,I am an opensuse 10.3 laptop user with a PHILIPS CDRW/DVD SCB5265 dvd rom. I had downloaded opensuse 10.3, burned it onto a dvd and installed the same on my laptop.My dvds were being mounted perfectly until a week ago when they stopped working. I also can no longer boot from my dvd.I dont seem to have any problems with other audio or data cds. They get mounted automatically.I did a little research on this topic and found that the kernel needs to support UDF in order to read/write dvd drives.However, the kernel that i am using is 2.6.22 and from the documentation, it seems that it does support UDF 2.0x and downwards (while the dvdrom , it says used UDF 1.02 with an ISO9660 bridge , implying that it should support the same. ref: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Disk_Format).I also read that if you have a SATA hdd (which I do, 160 GB)then activating SCSI CDROM in the kernel can solve the problem. (Could this be the solution as the laptop doesn't even boot from the dvd rom??)But I am unaware of the procedure and would not want to mess with the kernel without any prior knowledge.Also, will the re-installation of the dvdrom drivers provide an easier workaround. Something like rebuilding those modules??? But I need help as I don't know how to do any of these. I'm just shooting bullets to make it easier for you rather than complicate or confuse which I truly hope it doesn't.Maybe if we could 1. Query the kernel to find out what version of UDF is supported. Then check if it matches the requirement.However,I suspect that even though UDF 1.02 might be supported, doesn't it alsohave to support ISO9660 bridge as required by the document athttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Disk_Format.Please remember that everything was working fine until a week ago. Maybe some update might have changed some settings.. I dont have a backup of those settings so cannot revert back to that state.Please help me as I am in dire need of it.Expecting your co-operation.With RegardsShasthaEmail: shastha@aol.inPh: +91-9833076772