
PHP Help again please?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, I did not know when you save a php document it must be saved in quotes: "file.php" so now when I try to upload a file in my php test file on my computer that I created for testing my php experience, I keep getting redirected to the upload code and of course the file is not uploaded. I keep getting the code from 3 different tutorial sites. I don't know what to do, can someone please help me?




  1. You do not save a file in quotes unless you want to call the file through quotes.

    I think you are confusing the file name with the argument being passed in the function that you want to open?

    If that's not the case then sorry and please elaborate.

    Can you show which tutorials you are using?

  2. It sounds like your "must be saved in quotes" is specific to notepad I am guessing?

    When you say upload, are you talking about uploading a file to a hosting account you have on a server?

    If you are just double clicking the php file on your computer (windows machine?) it will open up your code most likely.  You need to install Apache and the tools needed to run php on a windows box.  Otherwise, your machine just thinks it is a text document.

    If you could provide a little more info on what specifically you are doing, I might be able to give a little better answer.
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