
PHP and Yahoo! Web Hosting Custom Error Pages?

by  |  earlier

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Is it possible to execute PHP scripts on Yahoo! Web Hosting's Custom Error Pages? The documentation says to create a file called "e404.html", but having the extension ".html" doesn't allow the PHP to execute.




  1. Yes, Is it possible to execute PHP scripts on Yahoo! Web Hosting.

  2. Yes you can execute php on an html page.

    Include this line where you want to execute the script:

    <!--#include virtual="yourfile.php"-->

    In order for this to work you may need to modify your .htaccess file with the following info:

    AddType application/x-httpd-php .html

    Good Luck!

  3. If they require the .html extension then you could do a javascript redirect or meta refresh to a custom error php page.

    Hope that helps.

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