
PHYSICS - Why can't a raindrop kill?

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PHYSICS - Why can't a raindrop kill?




  1. Nor is it heavy enough...

  2. See....quite an interesting question....good work !!!!.....

    the force acting on the body are

    1. Gravitational force i.e. mg

    2. Resistance offered by air...let us say R

    The equation of motion will be as follows

    mg - R =ma

    here a is the acceleration of the body....

    If the mass is more it can easily break the resistance of air.....

    eg. a stone hits u hard when it fall of from a great height

    the mass of the raindrop in very less hence "mg"is very small. The acceleration will decrease. Hence air resistance will not allow it to fall down that easily....

    Moreover raindrop is in liquid state......

    So it is done i suppose.....

    Enjoy physics


  3. The raindrop simply can not fall fast enough in free fall in air to hurt you. A while ago, Mythbusters investigated the penny dropped from the top of the Empire State building myth that the penny could kill someone. Not true. They determined a pennt has a terminal velocity of about 80 MPH in air because it "flutters" which slows it down. They then, built a penny tosser which would "shoot" pennies at 80 MPH and they proceeded to shoot a pig head with pennies, all of which simply bounced off without breaking the skin. Then they tried it n themselves, with no breaking of the skin, but it was possible to get a bruise. With a raindrop, the same applies, since the drop is fluid, it wll flutter just like the penny and will be going relatively slowly compared to something solid like a pebble. Then also, since it is fluid, the tendency is to splash when it hits something solid like the ground, or the top of your head. In a vacuum, without any air resistance, the drop would continue to accelerate and eventually MIGHT be able to do some damage. The faster you go, the less time the water has to get out of your way and splash when you hit the surface, which is why a fall from a bridge over water kills you just as the same fall onto concrete. Whether you hit the water drop of the water drop hits you, if the relative velocity is high enough, it could hurt you, but naturally falling in free air, all it can do is splash a bit when it runs into you.

  4. If you're saying why a raindrop can't kill due to its acceleration, because the air resistance slows it down.  Without air resistance, a raindrop may come down as hard as a bullet.  At that speed, even water drops can hurt!

  5. terminal velocity is not high enough

    it is not that the raindrop does not have enoguh mass

    in fact when designing the concoord super strong windows had to be developted to stop cracking direing supersonic flight

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