
[PICTURE]Is there a resemblence between these two people?!? ?

by  |  earlier

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  1. ummmm, i suppose there are some physical resemblences, but how do you know he is your REAL dad?

  2. yeah your nose and eyes look alike.

    hope I helped.

    Good luck.  

  3. yeah..I think you look similar


  4. You do ,except you are much prettier than your dad.

    Your eye brows seem to have the same shape and your noses also.

  5. Yea i can def. see a resemblance.  Just compare you eyes, nose, and ears.  They're quite similar!

  6. Yes, you do look alike - same nose and shape of eyes.

  7. yall have the same nose, so id say ya, and the lips are the same

  8. yeh,i think that there is:the same nose and eyes!

  9. sort of you have the same nose but thats about it


  10. i dont think thats your dad

  11. No, its obvious

  12. why dont u show this pic to ur mom (maybe indirectly if u want to),

    she will probably recognize it

  13. you have similar noses and eyes.

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