
PIT BULL HELP?! Seriously?

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I volunteer at a shelter and was wondering....

We had some pit bulls that were used in a fighting ring come in and can't be adopted. But they love people. Yes, they bite...but only other dogs. Is there any program which can take them in so they don't have to be euthanized and let them be adopted? PLEASE HELP!




  1. I really hope that you can find a place for these dogs. I wish I could help more!

  2. Call the dog whisperer

  3. look up pit bull i think that's what it is. those dogs can be retrained, with the right group of people. look at mike vick's dog's there all adopted out and doing great.

  4. I'm sorry but in UK they are put to sleep as are on the dangerous dog list  

  5. Michel Vicks 53 pit bulls all went too shelters. There fighting dogs. They didn't get put down, they went too shelters, and at this moment are awaiting a forever home. The aggressive ones went too rehabilitation at Utah animal sanctuary, and when there done, will soon be adopted by a family who loves them. One of the fighting pits is a Therapy dog, and the other pits havnt attacked a dog or a human. The dogs arent being stubborn. There are frightened, adjusting to getting lavished with affection and attention after having survived the bloodthirsty world of dogfighting. So anyone who thinks there agressive bad dogs, please. Get a life.

  6. I don't remember the name of the program, but I saw it on Rachel Ray's talk show(about the Micheal Vic pit bulls) there is a program that would take them in and rehabilitate them so they can be adopted. So I guess my advice is to check out her website and search for that episode. Good luck!

  7. I firmly believe that there are very few dogs that cannot be rehabilitated.  BADRAP is likely your best place to start.

    You may also want to try using some of the resources on  We found our male Jack Russell on that site, through a rescue organization.  He was given up because he bit a child.  We already had a female Jack Russell when we got him, and after some time, and a lot of patience he's a pretty well adjusted pup.

    The folks that run the Jack Russell Rescue put me in touch with a wonderful lady from a no-kill shelter to help with the training, and she had a rescue Jack Russell and a (former) fighting APT, that were the absolute best of friends.

    Don't give up on those poor Pitties!

  8. Honestly, I hope not.  I wouldn't want one living on my street much less next door to me.  I know how those dogs are trained & I don't want my dogs or my neighbors dogs all tore up.

  9. You can probably find a no kill rescue and give them to it. there are lots of APBT rescues :D

    good luck!

    P.S.i don't want the poor babies to die either ;)

  10. Did you hear about the Michael Vick Dog Fighting Ring case? A lot of those dogs were taken in at Dogtown. I think that only one had to be euthanized because it was too vicious. I saw a commercial for them on Animal Planet. You could probably google that to find their location.

  11. There is a program I know that SPCA does it as well. It rehabilitates the dog so that it breaks its fighting ways.

  12. Bad Rap in San Fran...If you are not in the area they might be able to send you in the right direction...My Pit is scarred as it was used as a bait dog and she is the greatest dog!!!!

    ADD** She was notusedas a bait dog by me I rescued her

  13. I also volunteer at a shelter where there are a lot of pitbulls. I personally love pittys. It is sad when this situation happens, but the truth is that they arent safe for the average adopter, there is a lot of managment that comes with owning a pitbull, especially one that has had a poor start in life. there a some rescue groups for pitbulls (Bad Rap, Dead Dog Walking, Pawsatively Pitbull) but they are all very full-if people would only be responsible with their pets, life would be so much better. Its hard to know that dogs you have bonded with are going to be euthanized, I am the same way and try not to wonder where the dogs have gone when i no longer see them at the shelter. just know that they are going to a better place where they will never have to fight or be beaten again.

  14. Bad Rap might.

    They took in the Micheal Vick Dogs.

    Actually, bbr, it was Bad Rap.  I *saw* the actual program.  Two had to be put down.  Out of 66 one was for aggression and the other was because of health problems.

  15. i feel so bad about this on craigslist there are so many pitbulls that people are rescueing and tryen too adopt out ....but no ones adopting them because there scared of them... one guy said that he knows of a shelter that puts down like 20 of them daily... this is horrible these poor dogs dont have a chance at life ...they have such a bad reputation and i know for a fact how lovable they can be my uncle has his and hes like 15 years old hes such a big mush... this is so sad these dogs are being put down cause man made them  mean and hateful and now all of them are being judged... this is horrible and its not fair and its not the dogs fault its man who done this horrible act too them... and gave them this bad reputation... i wish there was something i could do too help them all ...i pray you can get them adopted out but theres so many that need help i wouldnt know where too start... good luck too you i think its very nice of you too try and help them........this breed is in need help pitbulls get a second chance in life... try and undo the mess man made......... its only fair....

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