
PLEASE, anyone with an opinion, HELP!!!?

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ok here goes

I'm starting to like guys that aren't the same race and its weird cuz i dont know if they like me back, basically, i just want to have a really nice boyfriend. any pointers of thought about this?

I'm thinking about switching religions from christianity to. . . . . well that's the problem, i don't know what to choose, i want to be able to practice yoga and meditation and involves chakras, any ssuggestions please help!

finally i just want to talk more about that i really want to get a descent boyfriend that is ok with a possible out of race partner. iI'ma girl looking for a guy by the way. . . .

please help, thanks for reading this and for answering!!

possible plus 10 points!!




  1. These days race isn't that big of a factor neither is religion. I'm white and my bf is mixed. His parents are born again Christians (he isn't) and my family is mostly agnostic (dad is atheist and mum is church of England) What matters is finding someone who makes you laugh, makes you happy, and treats you well. and if if the person doesn't "fit" your parents or whatever "kind" then s***w them, it's your life. Religion can fit into relationships not relationships fitting into religion.  

  2. 10 points or not here it doesn't matter which "race" you choose. don't throw yourself at the next available person.  be true to yourself and (it may sound corny) but good things come to those who wait.  switching religions is not the answer.  go to places that you can meet new people.  you seem lonely and need something to do.  find new hobbies and please, for the love of God, don't do anything you'll regret just for someone to like you.  be yourself and it will happen.  good luck.

  3. Race doesn't matter, just make the right decision based on his attitude, accomplishments and goals and how he treats you. Make sure that yo are happy. I personally am with somone that is the same race as me but I wouldn't think twice if I met a guy that was another race that was well the guy of my dreams(if I was single of course) Good Luck and hope tha you find the right person Good Luck!Q!

  4. i think it doesnt really matter what race the guy is

    as long as yall like each other you know..

    but some races..if theyre like hardcore with there culture still, they might now be able to date outside there race..or religion"

    but you should be able to stay with your religion..imean as long as they dont like directly conflict with your partners

    dont know if i helped but good luck :)

    oh and i didnt know christians couldnt do yoga!? :o

  5. Ok, I thought I would never find someone for me in my own race either. Native American or American Indian whatever you want to call me, just don't call me late for dinner,lol.  Well anyway it took awhile but I finally found the guy that was right for me, I didn't have to change religion or anything. Well it's up to you on what religion you want. I love my husband, he loves me for me and I want you to find that in life. We get looked at very oddly everywhere we go because he is a white guy and I am an American Indian/Native American. We got used to it after awhile, I am so happy for finding him.

    I am wishing you the same in life as well, you find what religion you want and fin that guy who will love you for you, no matter what color you are or what size you are or even what you look like. You will eventually find someone like that when you least expect it. Believe me I did. I now you can too!

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