a couple of days ago i was watching this girl i sometimes babysit and she ALWAYS asks please, please, please, please, over and over well i gave in this time she asked if we could go on the paddle boat and i said no so then i said the raft so we went on the raft...she was throwing sticks into the pond for my dog and then 4 some odd reason she wanted to pick the sticks back up (we still had tons on the raft) so i had to paddle over to the sticks and when i was reaching for a stick she said she wanted to so i let her...(she 6 and doesn't know how to swim...) she fell in and it was my worst night mare!!! i had to save her it was so scary she was waving her arms up and down and then when i got her back on the raft she was crying so loud and her dad was rite there...i gave her to him and then went to get her shoes and gave them to him as well when i was handing her over i was sooo shaky i could barly hold her...they left idk if the're mad at me or not so i called they didnt sound worriend but i wonder if she is mad at me? i cryed that whole day...i cant get it off my mind...HELP