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My little sister is sexually active. Well, she is starting birth control soon... and I've heard that when you start birth control you are very fertile the first 30 days of taking it. Is this true? Please help so I can let her know so she doesn't end up pregnant. Thanks so much.

Or are you just fertile for the first 2 weeks?




  1. no, birth control will not make you more fertile.  she really needs to have a conversation with the doc who is prescribing the medication if she isn't sure how it works.  

  2. Never heard that before... probably just an urban legend.

  3. No that's not true.

    You're not more fertile than usual, but it does take at least 2 weeks to start working depending when on your cycle you start taking it (if you take the first active pill on the first day of your period, some doctors only say you need back up for 7 days, another time of the month and it's 14). She needs to speak with her doctor, pharmacist or look in the pill info leaflet to find out how long she needs to use condoms for. They should have told her on prescription though.


  4. she needs to be careful for the 1st 2-3 weeks. Tell her for the whole first pack - just to be safe!!!

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