

by  |  earlier

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so yesterday, I was watching little twins. they are only 4. I went to go check on them and both of there pants were down. I mean I was only gone for 2 minutes (washing the dishes)? is this normal? well Luke pulled up his pants I told him "what happend" and looking at his sisters privates at the same time he said,nothing (she pull up her pants yet). then I pulled him out of the room when his sister pulled up his pants and I told him and lindsey if that happend again, I would put them all in separete rooms. has that happen with your kids. I was mothers helping and I was only ten. had exsperience for 3 years and I have never seen this happen before.




  1. Looks like they are maturing at a young age. HORMONES!!!

  2. it could be a sign that they are abused, but it is most likely at their age and the fact that they are brother and sister, just curiosity. Most people seem to forget that " i'll show you mine if you show me yours" happens with most kids at certain ages. Some earlier that others.

    Just mention it to their mom. The most important thing is to never punish them for being curious or make them ashamed. Freaking out will make them more aware of it and feel guilty and ashamed of their bodies. Also explain that no one but them should ever touch their private parts with out their permission. Except the doctor and even a good doctor will ask.

    Of course these aren't your kids and not for you to deal with. But for future reference. :)

    Next time just distract them with something else they can do and make sure you tell their mom right away.

  3. i'm thinking they were probably just curious about the difference in their bodies... make sure you mention it to their mom but i wouldn't stress over it

  4. That could be a sign that they have been abused I would keep an eye on them because that is not normal for four year olds.  My sister was like that when she was abused.  

  5. pretend nothing ever happened you were the only one who saw right? so no one would ever know.

  6. May be a natural curiousity and they are noticing that they aren't the same.  Children don't know that stuff unless it's introduced to them somehow.  So I believe it was an innocent situation.  Just keep an eye on them, and take advantage of those times to teach them about privacy and respect for someone else's personal stuff.

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