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Hi, I really want to join 4H, What do they really do there i was told they do small horse shows etc. Is there a certain age? How much does it cost? THANKS





    they have a western day, a english day, and a games or gymkhana day. There is a fee in our county of $25 dollars to join. you get to participate in shows, the fair etc.

    its fun, and enjoyable for all ages and discplines.

  2. People have to pay to be in 4-h i get in free i live in texas

  3. If you are interested in english riding check to see if your local 4-H includes it.  Ours didn't so I did western and then ranch horse (where we were taught to rope and herd cattle, trail rode more, ect.)

    4-H taught me a lot of stuff that I still use.  I know how to show my horse in flat classes even though I ride english.  I also know all the parts of the horse, husbandry and other uselfull things.  My friend free leased my old pony so she could go in 4-H as well and we had a blast.  If it is possible for you to go in 4-H I would do it.

    We never had a pony club here but I heard they our wonderful.  Did around in your area and listen to lots of feedback.  And make sure your joing horse 4-H and not Cattle or sheep

    good luck!!!!!!!!!

  4. a.whoever said 4H is only western lied. its just about anything except c.c. and endurance and straight drag racing.

    b.4H is a group where you learn alot about horses and such, and you show at the county fairs.

    c.anyone can join, i think you have to be 7 or 8 to start showing and cant be older than 19 or 20 to still show. it costs $10 to join and you get money back from showing at the fair.

  5. 4-H is awesome! And it's definitely not all western, I was in 4-H for about 5 years and I ride english. In Massachusetts, the age range is 5-18. 4-H starts on the club level, you join a club that is in your area and is interested in the same thing as you, in this case, riding.

    There are all kinds of 4-H horse shows, all the way from the local, to regional, to state, to national levels. There are also 4-H horse camps to go to, which are really fun! Your club might put on clinics, or travel to exhibitions, or perform at events or parades. You can also do community service and other things to help out locally.

    I'm not sure how much it costs, but it's not too expensive, anywhere from $10-25. Plus your club will probably have dues, but that depends on what club you join.

    4-H is great because it can really get you started showing on a small fun level. It helps improve horse knowlege, and you make friendships too with other horse-people in your area. I highly recommend it!

    Here are a couple of websites for you to check out. You can follow links there to find the website for 4-H in your state. Enjoy!

  6. the person that answers your question and said it was only western was WAY wrong. they have western and english riding in 4-h. i dont know price or age, sorry.

    but it is basically like a mini show

    they have western, speed, dressage, hunt seat, etc. they also have some fun events. some have ride a buck.

    i dont know much about it, but my best friend does it. hope i helped you

  7. 4H is western riding, if you want to do english riding then you need to join pony club, not 4H.

    Im not exactly sure what 4H does, but I believe they do, do show classes and organize stuff like that. Pony club does horsemanship and stable management (so you learn that throughout the year) and depending on what branch or region your in, there are shows/rallies/championships (I just was in one at spruce meadows) etc.


    I was looking for a website for you, and was unfortunately, unable to find one for 4H, so you may have to do some talking to friends etc. who are in 4H.

  8. 4H is a truly wonderful program, consisting of: lessons, record books, horse care, achievement days, club shows, regional shows, club activities, judging competitions, public speaking competitions, etc.

    Canadian 4H is NOT a strictly western program, there are english components as well. How it works is there are different levels (7 total), each with a test and different requirements. You will be tested on theory and horsemanship skills by writing a test and riding a pattern. Once you have passed your basic riding/horsemanship level 3 you can do projects such as dressage, jumping, gymkhana, reining, roping, drill team, etc.

    The age in Canada is 9-21. The costs associated with 4H are an annual membership fee and then the cost of keeping your horse, trailering to lessons, etc and the actual cost of the lessons. Since it is a group setting and a recognized organization, the instructors usually do not charge too much. I believe my last year in 4H the cost of the horsemanship lessons was $120 for the year. This was a lesson every other week from Oct-May. And the Jumping lessons were about $200... a little pricier but it was a different coach.

    I hope I helped and there is a club in your area. Good luck!

    here's a link:

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