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I have a two year relationship with my boyfriend and I do love him but I feel that I am bored of the relationship. My question is should I ask him for some time off or should I say nothing? The most difficult is that he is a very sensible person and I don't want him to think that I do not love him I still do but not with the same passion as before. Please help!!!




  1. Tell him the truth!  

  2. tell him the truth.

  3. oh my, sounds like your in a rut....let me ask you something...if you both were married you would not ask 4 time off, would you? You need 2 have a talk with him,and u might be surprised that perhaps he  feels the same way as u do...a little zestful change might be just what the doctor ordered, a romantic night out, or perhaps a candlelight dinner...a hot tub garnished with a snack of strawberries dipped in choc? a planned hike, a picnic? discussing the changes that you are going through and the different needs and desires that u feel are not being met....might help u both out,,,and u might find that he is also feeling a " void "....good luck to you both...communication is the #1 key to a healthy relationship

  4. if you can bare to be with him, I think its okay for the moment

    but if his presence sometimes budge you then you gotta say the truth,

    if he care about your feeling he should be understand and take a space off, dont you think? if he just care bout his sensible feeling, he doesnt even worth you, y'know

    Dont make yourself suffer girl

  5. I would be honest and open but be gentle about it. He might be feeling the same. I don't know your ages but you might want to try talking with a therapist or a minister. Two years is a good chunk of time invested into a relationship and I would just be careful about bringing it to and end or adding others to it. Good Luck

  6. talk to him about it and explain it to him

    this happens to alot of my friends actually

    i understand

    you need some kind of excitement coming out of a relationship and if youre not getting it then you need to either create that old passion or take a break

    if you dont take a break now you are going to continue being unhappy in the relationship and that isnt good for either of you

    most of the time what happens is that after you take a break you either find somene else and get your fix for excitement or you end up missing each other and that passion that was lost comes back

    its ok to love someone and not be in a relationship with them

    i say take a break

    have fun with your life

    and if you guys end up getting back together then great

    it might be even better than before

    and if you dont then it wasnt meant to be

    if youre not happy in the relationship then he isnt going to be either

    and yes it will be difficult to explain to him but will be worth it in the long run

    good luck

    hope this helped :)

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