
PLEASE! Anyone who knows about computers!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Ive got myself in quite the situation. I literally have NO disc space left and all my programs are lagging. I cant even download anymore...


I want/NEED to restart my computer to the original settings... like WAY WAY back to the dawn of time (of my computer) I dont mind all my files going away but some applications that I need, like Java, Internet explorer (you know all the necessary files? I dont) need to stay

Does ANYONE know what I can do here? I need help desperatelly!

~Thanks a bunch





  1. Sorry, you can't do what you want to do, but you can restore back to "as-delivered" and then reinstall everything else.

    If you have a brand-name computer, you may have a recovery partition you can use.  Or recovery discs.  If you have neither, then you'll have to see if you can order them.

    If you have a custom-built, or can't get the media to restore your name-brand, then you have to use a windows installation disc and then get all the drivers for your hardware.  Then update the system and put on any applications.

    So, if it's a name brand, then there's a procedure.  See the mfgr website.

    If not, you may need professional assistance.

  2. You did not mention your OS. I assume it is Windows XP.

    Here is a way:

    1. Log on to Windows as Administrator.

    2. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Accessories, point to System Tools, and then click System Restore. System Restore starts.

    3. On the Welcome to System Restore page, click Restore my computer to an earlier time (if it is not already selected), and then click Next.

    4. On the Select a Restore Point page, click the most recent system checkpoint in the On this list, click a restore point list, and then click Next. A System Restore message may appear that lists configuration changes that System Restore will make. Click OK.

    5. On the Confirm Restore Point Selection page, click Next. System Restore restores the previous Windows XP configuration, and then restarts the computer.

    6. Log on to the computer as Administrator. The System Restore Restoration Complete page appears.

    7. Click OK.

  3. Delete or format everything if you use Windows, unless you really need the files. If you need the files, ask someone at a computer shop if they can restore the files onto a cd or floppy disc for you. Then tell them you want Linux installed: Ubuntu, Debian, etc... and others. There's plenty to learn in Linux. or you can buy a new computer with Apple Macintosh installed. Plenty to learn there too. Windows sucks! Windows crashes most of the time, while Linux & Macs won't. You might need Java, but you definitely won't need Internet Explorer. Use Firefox or Opera, or others which are way faster than Explorer. It's only faster because you use Windows.

  4. if you have your original start-up disks it's easy. just pop it in your CD drive and follow the prompts to restore it to the factory settings

  5. You're better off hand selecting them for removal (formatting would require a reinstallation of your operating system). Download and install Windirstat Run it, and it should tell you which directories take up the most space, just don't delete anything from /WINDOWS or /PROGRAM FILES. Do not delete /DOCUMENTS & SETTINGS either. Instead, open it and select your user ID and go to 'My Documents' and delete the files that way, that way your programs shouldn't stop working due to missing settings. Also, don't delete any files from the route directory (usually C:), there's crucial startup scripts that your PC requires in order to boot. If you want to remove program files, uninstall them first using the Ad/Remove function from the Control Panel, then delete their directories or any files they leave behind manually one at a time.

  6. You could back up files onto CD's or DVD's (or maybe even buy an external hard drive and put them on there).  Also try CCleaner and/or defragmenting your hard drive

  7. You need to FORMAT your computer. As long as you have your original windows installation cd, you can reformat your computer fresh. This will WIPE OUT all your files and reinstall the operating system. After that you can hook up your internet and download all your applications again, which shouldnt take too long.

    If you are worried, i would suggest taking it to a computer repair shop. They can reformat it for you, and if you want, they can save certain files or w.e for you.

    Hope this helps/

  8. I think i can help you just need to know one thing first do you have XP or Vista?

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