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Ok i need to do aa project called ODD logic i need to make my own this is an example....

Why cats meow.....

A cat has whiskers,whiskers are hairs,a hare is a rabbit,a rabbit runs fast,to fast is to go hungry, to go hungry is painful, when im in pain i say "ow",in other words me(ow)




  1. WOW thats hard, imma try it

    Why do people die......

    dieing is the opposite of living, living life relieves stress, stress is caused by depression, depression is sadness, sadness makes you frown, frowning can lead to crying, crying is the effect of something that went wrong, something that went wrong like your hair being accidently dyed

    ewww i suck, i tried though, good luck!!!

  2. try why dogs bark. haha. or why babies cry. that's all I can say. I can't do it for you

  3. Hope this helps:)

    Cats have 4 different meanings for "meow". If you listen carefully, you can hear that each meow is different.

    I'm hungry!

    I want to go out!


    I want attention!Cats are generally trying to communicate with you when they meow. A lot of times it's very easy to tell why they are doing it because they will be pretty clear about what they want. A cat standing next to a door meowing usually wants it opened. Cats that are hungry will often meow by the food bowls, or will meow at you and run over near them. If a cat is meowing because it is in pain, you will be able to tell from the way it sounds - it will be pretty clear that the cat is hurting.

    Sometimes cats meow just because they want attention. They will usually learn that meowing causes you to go pay attention to them or pet them, and often cats just start doing it because they want you to pet them a little.

    Cats also meow when they are courting another cat or when they see another cat outside. It sounds more like long, drawn out moaning than a regular meow (when I was a kid, I woke my parents up terrified that there was a ghost in the house - turns out another cat was just hanging out by our window, and ours really did sound like a ghost).

  4. WOA!!!!

  5. when some one calls u a ****** its a compliment ...

    a ****** is a female dog, a dog barks , bark is part of a tree, tree is part of nature, nature is beautiful, so thank you..

    lol i heard that when i was little .  


    Chickens have feathers, a feather can be a pen, a pen writes, right is not false, false is not security, security is needed in life, life begins with an egg,  

  7. Well, I like that, but as you said, you need to make your own.

    -IMP ;) :)  

  8. that's so cool!  i like it!

    why cows give milk...

    cows are black and white, so are penguins, penguins live where it's cold, you know what else is cold? a fridge!, what do you keep in the fridge? milk!

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