im confused.. i am still attempting to feed my 8 month old daughter, but i cant seem to produce more milk, ive tried everything, pumping after she eats, fenugreek, blessed thisstle, mothers milk teas, ensure... eating and drinking plenty... is it just too late to make more milk. i dont get engorged anymore. my baby can go happily 8-10 hours without eating and only eats on one side. but like i said.. i pump every time she eats for like 10-15 minutes. i dont like to pump every 2-3 hours bc then theirs not enough for her to drink when she wants some. it seems like i only produce 1-2 oz. every 9 hours or so. please help. she has always refused a bottle. i am thinking she gets less than 8 oz a day... but shes alive. and yes shes on cereal and a jar food a day. and no i cant go on perscription milk producing pills bc they enhance depression.