
PLEASE HELP!!! Academic Probation?

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i'm on academic probation for this term(spring 08). My first 3 semesters, I didn't want to be here so i goof off alot. Now, I really want to be here. This semester I have a 1.418 G.P.A. The semester ends next week. I'm taking calculus(4 credit hrs), Tech Graphics(3 credit hrs), COmp and Lit 1 (3 credit Hrs.), World Lit 2(3 credit hrs). I know that I failed Calculus, because I had a a** hole for a professor, and he wasn't willing to help us at the end of the semester, but I have a "b" and "a" in everything else. I'm so scared to get kicked out this university.




  1. Wow it's a little late for you to be concerned now. And in most colleges, you MUST maintain a certain GPA if you're on academic probabtion or you will be dismissed from the college for a certain amount of time usually determined by the FA Director/Committee Members. You can try to talk to your professor. I know some of them can be the most irritating thing you've ever laid your eyes on but some of them will help you.

    In your case I wouldn't be 100% sure because of your attitude about school, but nothing beats a try. Here's a website that might help you better understand what you need to do. And next semester (if you're allowed to return) be more serious about your work! Good Luck!

  2. Even though you say the professor is an a******. go talk to him. Unfortunately, he holds all the cards. Explain your situation and see if there is anything at all you can do. You need to be honest and sincere. I am a teacher. If I detect honesty and a sincere drive to do well, I will help anyone. Teachers/professors don't want to see their students fail...but you have to do your part as well. Good luck...and please stick with it. This is important and your future you are talking about...

  3. You shouldn't be goofing off at all.

    Maybe you should have been asking your professor to help you at the start and mid way through the semester instead of waiting till the end.

    How can you have a 1.418... just say 1.4 GPA.

    This might be the best thing to happen to you. You need a good *** kicking to take things seriously.

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