

by  |  earlier

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ok well,

im a 13 yr old female and i have anxiety! my anxiety is taking over and my fear is eating me alive!

im getting headaches all over my head! and they r painful!

i dotn wana move bcuz of how much i feel tired

i also have sharp pain in random place like...

above my ankle

back of leg


its bothering me and scaring me...

its been going on for 3 days but today is the best... its not as bad as the other... which means i think its getting better

i dont have a fever or stuffy nose.

but i am having HUGEEE headaches


and im also EXTREMELY tired

school starts in a few days and i need help to know whats wrong

i have NO energy, yet im eating and drinking water more then i was the other 2 days...





  1. You need to calm down and stop being so afraid. You are going to be fine. A lot of people feel things in different places when they are afraid. First you need to take some Tylenol and put an ice pack on your head (wrap the ice pack in a hand towel first) When you have a headache for a long time the vessels in your head engorge with blood and you need to get the vessels smaller so the blood will run out and the vessels will shrink to normal size. When that happens your head will stop hurting. Put the ice pack on your head for 20 minutes every hour until the headache goes away, it usually only takes once or twice. Next you need some vitamins for energy. B Complex is best for giving you energy but also take a multiple vitamin everyday. Having a headache for a long time will make you nauseous so eat something light like jello, baked potato, rice, crackers, NO greasy soup like Campbell's chicken soups. They are too greasy and have too much fat, it will upset your stomach. Pop sickles, sherbet, bouillon, this type of stuff until the nausea goes away. When you feel like going out, you need to see a Dr to see why you are so tired. You might be anemic. Anemia causes you to be tired, no energy and headaches so keep in mind to see your Dr. And STOP WORRYING, you are fine. You are just making problems for yourself by worrying so much. None of your symptoms are life threatening and you will be fine when you stop worrying.

  2. Well you basically have 3 choices.

    1. Deal with it.

    2. Go see a doctor and end up hooked on a bunch of meds like I am... h**l yes it will help you tons, but you have to think long term.

    3. My most used techniques for handling bad anxiety:

    Ask yourself why you are having anxiety.

    Tell yourself that it is stupid for you to be so anxious.

    Deep Breathing, and a Hot shower.

    Relax for a little bit.

    Honestly... my personal recommendation would to get a small supply of anxiety meds because it sounds like you may have an anxiety disorder.... but only use them when you absolutely NEED them.

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