
PLEASE HELP I can't take it anymore. What is wrong with my teeth?

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I had four cavities. I had severe shooting pain (especially with cold drinks) and the dentist decided to treat them a.s.a.p.

I went to get the biggest one and the one closest to that filled a week ago. He wanted to fill the biggest one to prevent any more erosion.

I have one more week until I get the last two filled and the pain in UNBEARABLE. I'm crying my eyes out right now in pain, and I have a very high pain tolerance. My wisdom tooth extraction wasn't even this bad.

I have to take two ibuprofen every four hours for a week now (which can't be good for my stomach or liver. If I'm off by 10 minutes the unbelievably unbearable pain comes back. I can't wait a week for this but I have no choice, being uninsured.

What can I do to help myself and could this be an infection?




  1. brush ur teeth! this is what happens if u dont eat healthy and brush ur teeth! it isnt that hard!

  2. you need to take anti-biotic to prevent inflammation. then fill the holes together. or you can go to a cosmetic dentist. they can fixed your teeth.  

  3. if it still hurts that bad:

    a. your dentist messed up and didn't fully clean out the cavity

    b. it rotted from the root up, or down, and probably needs to be extracted

    c. it is something else causing the pain

    get to the dentist, any dentist, as soon as possible.

    you can try ice to numb it or heat to distract your mind and focus on the other pain, just don't burn yourself

  4. I feel your pain.  I think it's rude for people to blast you for cavities, studies have shown that brushing too much actually causes erosion which can cause cavities, and some people are just prone to bad teeth, it can be a genetic thing.  Try taking three motrin (or ibuprofen), and seeing if that actually helps with the pain and try ice packs around the area that hurts.  IF you can get some try getting Orajelor some other type of tooth main reliever, to put on the site.  Also, I have found that Tylenol helped with my tooth pain more then ibuprofen did.  Also some pharmacies carry something call Percogesic (an OTC pain reliever) and that seemed to help too.

  5. have to tried orajel? i don't know if it will work on u because of ur sever pain but u could try. i wish i had more advice fore you.

    hope u feel better soon :)

  6. How about using Ambesol until you can get the surgery?

    It may help dull the pain in conjunction with the iBuprofen.

  7. So sorry about your pain. Go to your local 24 hour CVS drugstore or Walgreens and in the dental hygiene section, it should have a selection of ointment for tooth pain until your dental appt. Other than that I don't know what else to tell you.

  8. Sorry to hear. that must suck so muchh.

    i wood recomend calling your dentist when they open again in the morning.

    and make sure the ibuprofen bottle says its okay to take that much medicine. You definetly don't wanna overdose and end up getting your stomach pumped. that wood be even worse than just having a tooth ache.

    Just hang in there, your going to live. I promise.

  9. You poor thing there is nothing worse than a toothache, honey call the dentist now as this is bloody URGENT, and hopefully he will put you in, this is not fair on you to wait, it sounds more like an infection of the nerve, that is why you would be getting the constant servere pain, and I agree with you, you can only take so many tablets, if you cant get into a dentist asap, is there somone who can go and get you  a numbing agent from the chemist/drug store, or something really strong, until you can in?

    I feel so sorry for you, as I too went through this a few years ago, I was in so much pain, all I could do was cry, and people don't understand on here, by their stupid answers.

    I hope you can get in, I just don't know what else to recommend honey, it's a tough one.

    I don't know if you live in Australia, or America, but surely there is a dentist you can get to come in to his office, as this is major.

    Good Luck honey, let me know how you went and if you got into someone, as another week to wait is too long.

    Minny :-)

    Ps.. If you need to drink use a straw and place it close to the back of your mouth, as not to inflame the others.

  10. I'm going through the same misery with a damaged tooth and can't see a dentist until at least Monday, but I've found a couple of things that are helping.  Keep taking the ibuprofen - it takes quite a lot over a period of time to cause liver damage, so just do what you gotta do to get through this week.  The prescription dose of it is 800mg if it helps you to know that.  Save the strong doses for night if you can, since tolerance to it develops quickly, and nighttime is worse because the pressure on the area is higher when you're lying down.

    Here are some things you can try in addition to the ibuprofen.  Rinsing with salt water helps for a little while (20 minutes or so), but you can repeat often, and it might keep you from banging your head against the wall if you're waiting to take your next dose of ibuprofen.  

    For nighttime, I'm finding that this works pretty well: get some extra strength Orajel from the drugstore (if you're in the US).  Get a small piece of paper towel and fold it over and arrange it to a size and shape that will fit over your sore teeth.  Then cover one side of your little "bandage" with a layer of Orajel and arrange it in your mouth.  It will stay in place and work long enough so that you can get to sleep.  Whatever anyone tells you, do not hold aspirin in your mouth this way - it can burn your mouth badly and make things worse.  Orajel is safe to use this way.

    Hang in there, sweetie, and good luck.



  12. Please, listen to the dentist, I was also going to tell you you can take 800mg Ibuprofen every 4 hours, it will not hurt you, thats the Rx dose anyway, take it with food so you do not get an upset stomach.  I am a nurse.

    Not to be "s****."  and you are correct unfortunately, it is very common, but it is totally preventable, even if you do brush your teeth, diet has a major component, especially if you drink soda pop.  And no I am not going to say it is the sugar, but I am sure it doesn't help.  An old dentist told me years ago, do not drink soda every day or let kids have it hardly ever because of the phosphoric acid in it, it causes the calcium to be taken out of your bones and teeth to balance the minerals in your blood.  

    So to prevent this problem in the future, please look carefully at your diet.

  13. uhh well u should or could just wait it out and when you go to the dentist ask for laughing gas

  14. Prevention is better than cure so make sure you are being healthy.

    First, look at what you have been drinking.  Drinking drinks that contain acid is normally the cause of sensitive and brittle teeth.  The acid erodes the enamel of your teeth away which means that the dentin underneath the enamel containing the nerves becomes more and more exposed. You will notice this if your teeth are becoming see-through or you can actually see the yellow colored dentin underneath the enamel.  You can make enamel-erosion worse if you drink an acid-containing drink and then brush your teeth straight after as the acid will have softened your teeth.

    The main acid-containing drinks are :  

    *Fruit juices -  like orange juice,  

    *fizzy drinks - like coca cola.  

    --You should stop drinking these straight away and just drink water.  Or at least cut down to the bare minimum.  Fruits aren't as healthy as they are made out to be and are only good in moderation.  An orange for example is only high in vitamin C.  You are far better eating vegetables.  It is also better to eat the whole fruit rather than the juice because the acids are encapsulated in the cell walls of the fruit and so don't damage your teeth as much.  Either way, always swill some water in your mouth after so that the acid is gotten rid of and doesn't just lie on your teeth.

    ---Leave at least an hour of not eating or drinking anything before you brush your teeth at night.  

    ----As far as technique goes:

    Use a pea size amount of toothpaste

    Wet the brush and just brush in a circular motion for about 2-3 minutes, occasionally re-wetting the brush and spitting out the paste

    make sure you clean every tooth - especially the back ones that are hard to reach.  Do not brush hard!  You only need to apply a little pressure when brushing.  If you brush hard then you could strip the enamel off.  

    ---Mouthwash and toothpaste contain the same ingredients and are best used at different times.  I would just brush at night and then swill with mouthwash in the morning.  As you can imagine, brushing your teeth after drinking a morning orange-juice is going to do more harm than good.  After eating and drinking your mouth produces saliva which lowers the ph of the mouth so any enamel that has been stripped off by the acidity of the food or drink, can be reapplied to the tooth.

    ---Finally, you may be deficient in calcium and vitamin D, which is essential to calcium absorption (your enamel is made of calcium):

    The best source for calcium is milk or any other dairy product.  Drinking a glass of milk a day will go a long way to maintaining good calcium levels.  Another good thing to eat is oily fish.  The soft bones of the fish provide the calcium, and the fish itself is an excellent source of vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids.

    Baby spinach leaves and broccoli are also good - try to get organic when buying vegetables.

    The best source of vitamin D is through sunlight.  Generally for most people, vitamin D can be obtained by sunlight from March to October. So it is important to expose your skin to sunlight in Summer.  Only apply skin lotion after you have exposed your skin to the sunlight as the lotion blocks the UVB rays which the skin needs to produce vitamin D.  Those living closer to the equator can obtain vitamin D all year round.  In the winter eat plenty of fish to keep the vitamin D supplies up.

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