
PLEASE HELP!! I don't know what to do!?

by Guest32565  |  earlier

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I have a big problem - my crush is out of my league. He's part of the popular crowd and has a ton of friends, many of them are girls.Don't get me wrong.He's not a flirt, He's a very sweet kind of guy. I'm not unpopular either, people in my grade like me a a lot and most people say I'm very attractive, but I'm not VERY popular either. He's not that totally hot guy. He's not had a girlfriend as far as i know. I've had a boyfriend, but that was long back, so people tend to think that im not interested in any guy at the moment. I have a feeling that he likes me too because he always sits next to me in class(we take one class togather) and always tries to strike a conversation with me.(which is awsome), and a friend of mine who takes another class with him told me that his friends tease him with my name and he blushes. I dont want to ask him whether he likes me bcoz if he doesn't, it would just be awkward and it'll ruin my chances with him. How do i catch his catch his attention? How do i flirt with him and get over that status quo difference because im not sure if his friends will accept me fully. Thank you so much for your help.




  1. yeah dont ask him if he likes you because that sounds a little concieded lol, but you can catch his attention by flirting back like making him laugh-not in a dumb way, dont play stupidgirl, just relax and talk more often and get to know each other :] but that sounds really cute and i dont think you should worry about his friends, just be friendly but dont try too hard to be friends with them lol

  2. i would talk to him more nd if u dont want to ask if he likes u nd ask ur friends to ask him if he likes u..but secretly...

  3. Be honest. Tell him you like him. Maybe divert the conversation one day to relationships - what you look for in a guy, what he looks for in a girl or similar. But don't talk about exes overly much.

    Don't worry about the status quo. If he accepts you, chances are his friends will too.

  4. flirt, be pretty

    let him come to you don't be ALL cliquey and hang all over him try to act different don't be all over like the other girls  

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