
PLEASE HELP! I need to fall asleep and I'm desperate!?

by  |  earlier

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I've tried everything...except pills. School's coming up soon too...please help me...




  1. my mom says that when she can't get to sleep

    she imagines peaceful thoughts

    or a piece of paper with the word "Rest" on it

    and i listen to my self breathe

    kinda weird but it works for me :D

  2. lie down watching tv then ull sleep

  3. Okay, well what I did, I stayed up an entire night, and I didn't take naps at all during the day (try everything you must to not fall asleep at all until night time)

    And then by the end of the day, I crashed in bed and fell into a deep sleep

    And by the next day, my sleeping schedule was back on track :)

    Good luck

  4. Listen to Kris :) works. How about reading a book or going through all your binders from school to get caught up for the new school year that is about to begin. Drink Coffee...I unno it tends to get me more tired ?!?!.. Good Luck!  

  5. make the room really cold, i dont know how, but then you snuggle into the doona and hopefully  that works

    i knnow how you feel ive had insomia for 3 years now

    And try having a medium sized meal before bed, and maybe a hot drinkk, exept for coffee of course

  6. Well right now 4 me it's 3:05am and i still haven't went to sleep yet and  ya i have skool in 3 hours..!

  7. Try reading a book in bed. It works for me.

  8. take a couple shots of whiskey, trust me, you will be out cold.  

  9. drink sone warm milk

  10. u get a brick and slam it on ur head, then u pass out!! :D

    nah nah im jk

    try sleeping somewhere warm. and when it gets too warm make the room cool and go back to sleep

    (works for me)

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