I was cutting some furballs on my persian cat Oreo with scissors with my mom, ( STUPID idea!) and we accidently nicked him and it left a wound the size of a dime or penny. I'm worried sick! He's a new cat and I don't want him to get sick. We can't afford to take him to a vet unfortunately, and I'm looking for an alternate solution. What products should I use? HOW should I use them? Or will it heal on its own? Please give me a reference to a site. I would love it. Anyone who answers all my questions will be greatly appreciated!
Please, NO nasty comments on me not taking him to the vet or cutting mats with scissors. It was a VERY stupid idea and i'm clear of that. No need to remind me. Money is EXTREMELY tight right now and we can't afford the slightest 10 -20 dollar cost. I don't want my precious baby to die!