

by  |  earlier

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My dog has been panting and breathing in and out wildy since last night. His stomach looks bloated and his chest and rib cage look bigger than normal. He's restless. His nose is dry. He doesn't want to eat or drink anything. He barely even wants to get up. What Should I do? Taking him to the vet is out of the question, they wont take a look at him because I have no money to pay up front and they dont accept monthly payments. ive tried calling dozens of places and no one wants to look at him . Please help me with any recommendations or feedback.




  1. are incorrect. NOT taking him to the vet is out of the question. Not getting him treatment would be cruel...not to mention criminal.  

  2. well good gravy find somewhere, the dog is in obvious distress, heck call animal control if you have to

  3. Bring him to a vet, or have a family member or friend bring him. If not, contact a local shelter or animal control and see what they can do for you.

    Then, when all is said and done, find a new home for your dog. You apparently don't have the money to care for this dog. I'm sorry, but if you can't pay for this, who is to say you will be able to continue providing him with food, toys, vitamins, etc? If you aren't prepared to save your dog's life in an emergency, you should wait until you are more financially secure to own a dog.

    Also, you don't seem to be trying real hard to get help. Your dog is dying and you're wasting precious time asking this question on Yahoo answers.

    However, I do hope your dog is okay. Good luck.

  4. Obviously no one can say for sure, but this sounds a lot like bloat to me.  Bloat can occur in any dog, but typically occurs in barrel chested dogs like Danes.  

    Bloating of the stomach is often related to swallowed air (although food and fluid can also be present).  It usually happens when there's an abnormal accumulation of air, fluid, and/or foam in the stomach ("gastric dilatation").    As the stomach swells, it may rotate 90° to 360°, twisting between its fixed attachments at the esophagus (food tube) and at the duodenum (the upper intestine).  The twisting stomach traps air, food, and water in the stomach.  The bloated stomach obstructs veins in the abdomen, leading to low blood pressure, shock, and damage to internal organs.  The combined effect can quickly kill a dog.

    Attempts to vomit (usually unsuccessful); may occur every 5-30 minutes This seems to be one of the most common symptoms & has been referred to as the "hallmark symptom"

    "Unsuccessful vomiting" means either nothing comes up or possibly just foam and/or mucous comes up  

    Doesn't act like usual self Perhaps the earliest warning sign and may be the only sign that almost always occurs

    Dogs who are  bloated asked to go outside in the middle of the night.  If this is combined with frequent attempts to vomit, and if your dog doesn't typically ask to go outside in the middle of the night, bloat is a very real possibility.  

    Other symptoms include:

    Significant anxiety and restlessness

    One of the earliest warning signs and seems fairly typical

    Bloated abdomen that may feel tight (like a drum)

    "Hunched up" or "roached up" appearance

    This seems to occur fairly frequently

    Lack of normal gurgling and digestive sounds in the tummy Many dog owners report this after putting their ear to their dog's tummy.

    When my dog needed 4 thousand dollars worth of surgery to save his life, I applied for "Care Credit" which is a credit card accepted by many vets.  Good luck and I know this is a tough position to be in.

  5. Find another vet!  Or the emergency vet!

  6. Go borrow some money from someone and get him to the vet.  Try your local humane society.  Some of them have special funds to help individuals with financial problems.  When you got the dog you committed to providing him medical treatment when he was ill.  The time has come, and you need to get him to a vet.  

  7. r u madd this aint a life and dead situation u idiot and ur dog aint wellard loool just take it to an animal emergaancy room goshhh ppl like u annoy me :@:@

  8. With what you're describing, this sounds like bloat or GDV, possibly some kind of blockage.  What kind of dog is he?  

    No matter what is wrong with him, if you don't take him to a vet, you are going to be watching him die.  Don't do this to him.  Call friends & family to borrow money, put it on a credit card.

    Call your humane society, spca, or local shelter.

  9. Sounds like your dog could possibly have bloat. Unfortunately if you don't do something fast your going to watch your dog die a painful death. Find an emergency vet clinic, they are usually more expensive but they'll usually take payments. If anything call your local humane society and ask for a referal. They can usually recommend someone.

  10. Like others have said it really sounds like bloat. If this is the case your dog needs help and fast, you are lucky he has lived this long call vets farther away. Maybe if you just take him in they will see how bad he is and take care of him and accept monthly payments. I've got to say though this is really expensive to treat though last i heard around 1200. Check out this link this tells you what types of dogs are more likely to get it and the signs and symptoms.

  11. o0o im soo sorry =[[ can u borrow money from anyone?? Do you kno wut ur dog was up to before any of this happened?

  12. keep trying to get into a vets office and tell them that youll pay by the end of the month theres got to be someone that will look at him

    good luck

  13. Call your vet back and explain the situation and tell them you have an emergency. Most vets will see them in case of an emergency. If not, ask them to recommend where you could take him. He needs to be seen now. If you have a credit card they will most likely take that for payment. Good luck!

  14. Sounds like GVD, man. There is really nothing you can do if you can't take him to the vet.  

  15. Take him to his vet. IF they say they dont want to see him take him to an animal hospital

  16. soz but that does not qualify as a LIFE OR DEATH SITUATION?

    its a dog damit  

  17. The only real thing to do for him is take him to the vet. Try to borrow money from family or a friend. I hope this helps and I hope your dog will be okay!


  19. You need to take him to the emergency vet now!! that sounds like bloat and it can can kill him.  

  20. Take him to the humane society and see if they will look at him.  Most Humane societies have a clinic and they will offer low cost vet care because It's your legal responsibility to provide your dog with vet care, borrow the money from someone or sell something, if your dog dies you can go to jail for not getting him medical treatment.

    To be honest, if you cannot afford to take care of your dog medically then it would be in his best interest to rehome him.

    I blame vets for this.

  21. Sounds like your dog is at risk of dying from bloat.

    You should talk to your Humane Officer or a local Rescue group.  If noone can get you help on cost of vet care, then turn the dog over so it doesn't die.  It's better to give up the dog so he can live than it is to watch him die because you cannot afford the vet bills.

    You can also take a minute to visit some vet chat websites and see if they have any suggestions that will help you.  -!-

  22. Sounds like torsion.  He needs to be vetted or he will die a very painful death.  Call the local humane society - right now - and ask them for help.

  23. the dog needs a vet.  If he's bloated, its a wonder he's lasted this long!

    Turn him over to animal control if you cant take care of him.

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